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About Tumababa

  • Birthday 06/14/1982

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    Vancouver, Canada.
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  1. Normally, I wouldn't bother posting since I've basically sworn off this forum. BUT.... I just had a fantastic evening. I had a choral piece that I once posted here premiered tonight. After the last chord had rung out, I heard someone nearby me utter the word: "Wow...." in an utterly hushed tone. It was amazing. I feel like a billion dollars and a bag of potato chips. Just so this thread doesn't seem so egotistical... because it is.... I invite anyone else to recount their "victory stories" here.
  2. Maybe I should pay one of my buddies a six-pack to proofread this choral piece I have.
  3. Sorry but.. that's nonsense. There's plenty of opportunity out there for composers of any age.
  4. Something I almost NEVER remember: Rehearsal marks! Finale will actually ALLOW you to screw up multi-measure rests? Yeesh.
  5. It's been a while since I posted here. In fact, I believe I MAY have said I would never post here again. ...or something to that effect... Anyway, I have this idea that I think the community could contribute to and possibly help us all as a whole. Here it is: Those of us who have sent pieces to competitions/performers/etc have likely had the forehead slapping reaction at least once of finding mistakes of some kind after we waved bye-bye to our magnum-opus after dropping it in a mailbox. It's too late to make any changes but you'll at least remember next time to check that your name is spelled correctly on the title page. I was thinking of creating a checklist for myself to rigorously follow everytime I send a piece off and this got me thinking that this forum would be a perfect dust-storm of input for something like this. So in a nutshell, what are some goofs (Or gaffs if you're from across the pond) that you've discovered in your music and been either too-late or just in time to correct?
  6. Ready everybody? HERE WEEEEE GOOOOO AGAINNNNNNN!!!!
  7. Well you probably wouldn't play Bach on a piece of wood. But I suppose you play some parts of Xenakkis's Psapha with that piece of wood. Likewise, you probably wouldn't play Psapha on a violin. Do you perhaps see how percussionists (Or myself, a former percussionist) could be insulted by what you've said previously about them?
  8. I'll post this again because I think it got buried in the melee.... A violin just sitting there is just a piece of wood. A drum just sitting there is just a piece of wood. A piece of wood just sitting there is just a piece of wood. If you bow a violin to make a noise, you have a noisy piece of wood. If you hit a drum to make a noise, you have a noisy drum. If you hit a piece of wood, you have a noisy piece of wood. If you bow a violin in such a way to establish patterns and consistency (Such as having a consistent timbre that produces consistent frequencies at regular time intervals) you are making music. If you hit a drum in such a way so as to establish patterns and consistency (Such as having a consistent timbre that produces consistent frequencies at regular time intervals) you are making music. If you hit a piece of wood in such a way so as to establish patterns and consistency (Such as having a consistent timbre that produces consistent frequencies at regular time intervals) you are making music. Whether or not you're making good music is, as always, open for debate.
  9. I must have edited that post while you were replying. I didn't see that last one until after I made the reply. Check it again. Understand that while your ideas are clear to YOU, they aren't clear to us. I think I understand your point now but I still find it ridiculous.
  10. Let me try this.... it might take me a couple of tries: A violin just sitting there is just a piece of wood. A drum just sitting there is just a piece of wood. A piece of wood just sitting there is just a piece of wood. If you bow a violin to make a noise, you have a noisy piece of wood. If you hit a drum to make a noise, you have a noisy drum. If you hit a piece of wood, you have a noisy piece of wood. If you bow a violin in such a way to establish patterns and consistency (Such as having a consistent timbre that produces consistent frequencies at regular time intervals) you are making music. If you hit a drum in such a way so as to establish patterns and consistency (Such as having a consistent timbre that produces consistent frequencies at regular time intervals) you are making music. If you hit a piece of wood in such a way so as to establish patterns and consistency (Such as having a consistent timbre that produces consistent frequencies at regular time intervals) you are making music. It seems like you're drawing the line right behind the concept of pitch. In your world, it's not music unless it has pitches. Am I far off? I'll ignore your insulting demeanor toward Robin for now.
  11. Well I suppose the sound of a man's head smacking a brick could be used in a musical way. But to compare that with drumming, and even juggling. Granted, juggling and percussion both require refined technique but you still need good freaking ears to play the drums/percussion. Does anyone else find the title of this topic "Snobbery In Classical Music" ironic at this point?
  12. Whoa. Okay.... So this video in your opinion is on the same level as a bunch of people running around farting in unison? I think you equating a snare drum with a fart is more a reflection of your lack of an understanding of what percussion is capable of rather than a statement that shows careful reflection and thought.
  13. Ugh... How about percussion? Do you think percussion can be musical?
  14. The best degree for a composer? Go into business. :P
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