You should work on your technique, by doing exercises as well as practicing etudes. There are a lot of books with etudes, check your library. Everybody has their own favo(u)rite(s). Exercises are mainly scales, arpeggios, trills, chords, intervals, whatever. [Get your scales and chords right instantly, don't struggle with them later on.] The most important thing would be getting the fingering right, playing with correct posture and hand movement, playing cleanly and getting everything up to speed.
Concerning 'Spielstücke' (pieces), you should check out simple works by Mozart, Chopin, ...
The Mozart 'Facile' sonata is lovely, but it might be too difficult, depending on your current level of playing. Just start with some etudes. And if you've been working on a particular technique, try finding a piece that uses it. A good source for sheet music is