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About Shadow16nh

  • Birthday 08/18/1983

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Contributor (5/15)

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  • Nine Years in
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  1. Does anyone here know what would be reasonable to expect compensation-wise for scoring a 14-page CSU senior thesis short film?
  2. Film scoring for dummies?..... Everyone should check out the Fred Karlin's "On the Track" if they want to understand film music...Countless interviews with every important film composer ever, score excerpts, the entire process from beginning to end....the most thorough resource out there on an incredibly broad art form that certainly is anything but simple and you would be foolish to think otherwise. But that's just my advice.
  3. This is a 5 min. piece inspired by some of the micro/macro organizational ideas of John Cage. Its built upon measure patterns of 4-3-2-3-4. "43234"
  4. It's for a cartoonish Medieval video-game, I suppose I just wanted to get my blood pumping on this cue, sound heroic and try to come up with some really solid orchestration. There's a handful of your standard film score tricks in there...
  5. Here's a cue for a game competition: Castle Crashers In-Game 3
  6. I used Finale 2007 and the VST instruments that are bundled with it.
  7. This is a cue intended for gameplay, thanks for any comments. Neal H. Castle Crashers In-game 1
  8. I'm a recent composition graduate who's moved to LA recently and I'm trying to figure out just what sort of job I should be looking for while I'm maturing and looking for opportunities to score for film. I've been told I should find work under an established composer, but I'm not sure just what that means or how to go about it? I really need some advice about this....
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