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About Wrath-of-Jupiter

  • Birthday 07/30/1989

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  • Biography
    Music became my passion when everything else left...
  • Location
    Melbourne Australia
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Graphic art design, Science, and of course Music

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  1. Ok, this is a full runthrough of just about all of my songs (31 of of them to be exact) in one giant 11 minute file. Click here to download and play it! Most of the songs feed into eachother, with the use of clever overlaping, reverse cymbals, continuing/shared drum beats or simularity in the musical style. There are two parts where a song will fade off slightly to allow for the next song to begin. Now, sorry if this takes up alot of room, but I'm providing a song list bellow, listed by starting times within the file. Most of the songs bellow also have a link if you click on there name. This will take you to a page where you can listen to the full song! 00:00 - Majestic as the Sun 00:30 - War March 00:45 - A Heartbeat 01:01 - Drops of Antiquety 01:20 - Never Forget 01:40 - A Tainted Fantasy 02:02 - Charon Calls 02:25 - Full Moon's Tide 02:35 - The Melody of the soul 02:50 - Faded Memories 02:58 - Birth of a Crisis 03:10 - The Epic Tale 03:30 - When in a thought 03:50 - Cleansed Spirit 04:20 - The Forgotten 04:37 - Greensleeves Arrangement 05:00 - The Journey to the Afterlife 05:30 - The Great Escape 05:55 - Unforetold prophecy 06:12 - The Night Song 06:24 - The Morbid Dream 06:40 - The Clock Song (Arr. of that french song i forgot the name of ^^:laugh: 07:10 - Metropolitan Brilliance 07:35 - Wave Evolution 08:05 - Kissing a Shooting Star 08:25 - Eurodancer Classic Mix (Arr. of Eurodancer - DJ Mangoo) 08:50 - On the Prowl 09:10 - Peaceful 09:40 - The Crimson Dawn 10:00 - Cecilia 10:25 - The Eternal Summit
  2. This songs is one I am thrilled with it's outcome... It sounds better in my opinion though with headphones... the reverse cymbals may be a tad loud, but the song as a whole is one I am quite proud of :mellow:! The War March In my mind it paints a picture of the moments leading up to a war... almost as if it's the kind of war where there is no winner... Right from the begining, it sounds like a tragic kind of song... and the beating drum almost pounds away like a beating heart... and the hero that the song might be featured with is farewelling his family... and then embarks on the road to certain death... then there is the dramatic bit with the choir, and that gives me the feeling that the two great armies are in view of eachother.. where the enemy can be seen comming over a steep hill and the hugeness of it might represent the vastness of the opposition... then when the dramatic section settles and the piano section is the main one playing, I can imagine the enemies aproaching... and the hero and his army get ready... and then when it's back to only the piano and the drum, the hero closes his eyes... and pictures what's important to him and what he is fighting for, for one last time...
  3. MusicManJ4, I use sibelius for making my melodies and such, but I spend alot of time tinkering with my music in the Loop-based Program "Sony Acid Pro 5"... I use it mainly for making MIDI's into MP3's and tweaking the sound quality to make it less midi-like and more realistic... I sometimes do use it for looping, but i find it most handy when you want to add effects such as reverb, distortion, and general audio enhancements... one of my songs, "The Forgotten" was originally just made from the using the melody and playing aroud with it in Acid Pro That song was made from 8 bars with 4 different instrumental sections that were each recorded individually.. then I could just use each recording and layer it... with that, I was even able to have the main melody reversed, another feature of Acid... so yeah :mellow: But, on the side topic, I ended up actually writting two songs for her... one was actually for when we were... going through our tough time... it's titled "Never Forget.." and I even have words for that... I sang it to her... and it was a special moment for us... hmm ah well.. things happen which are sometimes out of our control... and the best we can do is to get through those moments...
  4. Thank you both for your replies :D! Firstly, I agree fully about that song "Majestic as the sun... it was really built up to be something great... but it was too short... I do want to develop it... so I will eventuate to it! And with Eternal summit, I too agree with the whole "Amazing scenery" concept... that was actually what I was intending for... that kind of feeling of seeing a large scale scene :)... With developing the sound on this though, I'm open for suggestions cause I've kinda just accepted it this way... I would develop it... but I dont have any ideas... :mellow:
  5. Hmm, you know, you are right there... it is pretty loud there... I put it all together with a computer program... so i'll probaby be able to fix it up and adjust the volume for it to suit when I get the chance :) But I agree... lol it does sound like a game trailer song, and I know someone who'd also agree with you there :)
  6. Wow... now this is brilliant... I really like it :D! the song sounds like it could be used for a movie... it is trully an amazing sounding track... wow! If this site had a system like deviantart, where you could have favourites on works, i would definately add this to my faves!
  7. These are three songs which sound like introductory themes... The Crimson Dawn Majestic as the Sun Eternal Summit The first of them, The Crimson Dawn, has a very spacious sound to it... definately reminds me of a quiet morning to begin with, but the sound becomes more full and the mood begins to change through it and an almost chaotic sound grows out of the peaceful melody... Best suited to maybe a theme for a game where a particular sunrise is a significant event... Majestic as the Sun isnt exactly a reference to the sun, but it holds a majestic and grand theme which could be used in a medieval style game... It is a little short, so it would be better suited for maybe the starting cinematic of a game whereby the final crash could present the menu screen of a game And finally, Eternal Summit... This one may sound really overdone... I marvel at this one because of how dramatic it is... It sounds like the kind of song you would hear when a protagonist/hero, has discovered a holy relic in a movie... you could almost imagine someone discovering the resting place of the holy grail, then finding many grails and then finally picking the right grail... lol i dont know... what ever you might think of from it... i hope you like it...
  8. Ok, with this one, I realise that it may lack some realism to the way the instruments sound... and may be a little repetitive... sorry for that :D A Heartbeat Now the sounding of this is quite unique... I want to know from other people what they feel this reminds them of... because I can't get any idea except for maybe an ending theme... ah well... This song gets its name from the nature of the repeating note through out the majority of the song... In my opinion, it adds character to the melody... By the way, This song is the first I've uploaded... it is one of my personal faves and is also the fave of someone who will always be very important to me... so I dedicate this to her... sorry we didnt work out, but being best friends is fine with me :)!
  9. I like the sound of this :D! It reminds me of a boss theme from a game! so I can agree fully with what you've described it to be!
  10. impressive peice man :)! I like the level of dramaticism in it :P
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