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About TheMagicFlute

  • Birthday 10/26/1989

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  1. I like the peice! Its very beautiful!
  2. I agree with Mark... the classical did sound familiar but not too familiar that you were actually copying anyones work... I liked it. The ending was fine. I'd just keep it if I were you. good job!
  3. ok. Thanks for your help! I've only taken 1 year of music theory so far so I dont know alot yet but I signed up music theoryII.
  4. they sound amazing! good work
  5. Well, when I was in elementary school, the teacher used to have us do all sorts of stuff like we would play a game around halloween where the teacher and all of the class (exceot for 1 person) would hide this little skeleton and the one person in the class would go find it while the rest of the class had to sing a song (I forget what song it was) and the singing would get louder the closer you were and softer the further away you were. I remember another thing we did (in 4th grade) was the teacher would show us a video on all of the different musical instruments and she would have some kids from the band and orchestra classes in middle school bring over their instruments and show us what they looked like and what they sounded like. I thought that was neat. We also played games and had a musical at the end of the year.
  6. it sure is a mess but apparantly they could read it back then or nobody would've played it...
  7. 1. Flute, oboe, piano, and guitar. 2. Whatever I feel like doing at the time... 3. Mostly band and orchestra 4. classical 5. I like a lot of stuff. Sometimes I experiment with instruments and see what sounds good.
  8. learning multiple instruments does help with composition because you learn that just because a note is in an instruments range doesn't mean its easy to get the note out. I am currently learning oboe and I used to write some oboe parts really high or really low and now I realize that I can barely get the notes out.
  9. I specialize on flute but I am learning oboe. I just mess around with the guitar and attemps the piano. I used to play the violin and still remember 1 song on it....
  10. I'm working on Mozarts sonata in D on flute. I'm kinda freaking out because I've never heard it before (well, I've heard the second movement berfore but the rest I haven't) so I'm not 100% sure i'm playing it correctly.... I can't find it... if anyone knows what it sounds like, please let me know.
  11. ok. thanks. we have a picc., reg. flutes, alto and a bass.
  12. I'm not exactly sure what to do with the end of this peice (around after the trumpets and cornets come in). I think I am going to make more movements for it but I want to finnish this first. If someone could please give me tips, that would be great. dances.MUS
  13. Finale wont let me view it. It comes up with an error message so if you put it as an mp3, I could hear it.
  14. My flute teacher wants me to compose for my flute choir but I dont know exactly how to approach it since I am used to writing for bands. I dont want to make the peice to difficult because there are people in there that aren't as proficient at playing the flute as me but I dont want to make it too easy either where it gets boring to play it...
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