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About Chancellor316

  • Birthday 10/13/1986

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  • Biography
    Played music for close to 14 years and composed for about 3 years.
  • Location
    Deland, Florida
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Writing music, reading, playing my instrument, and playing games.

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  1. Excellent, thanks! Mainly, in the more furioso parts, it is mainly octave or third doubling. But then again, I can see why it sounds a little muddy...working to improve it, I promise! :-D Thanks again
  2. Thanks, definitely! I value your input.
  3. Got a viola joke for you... How do you kill hundreds of viola players? By writing a piece for solo viola and post it in a forum, that way they all come flocking, and then you can drop a bomb... Haha, I'm a viola player, so I'm allowed to say things like that. But the piece was really nice, seriously. The piano part, yes, was little elementary, but I think there are way to keep it interesting without stealing the spotlight. I mean, look at Glazunov's Viola Elegy as an example. Great piano part, but it's all viola... Same with Shostakovich's Viola Sonata (which I'm playing next spring for my senior recital). Speaking of which, I could definitely see myself playing this. If you decide to go all the way with this piece, let me know. Maybe I'll even commission a piece from you. :-) Great job!
  4. The horn piece was really pretty. I believe there could be just a little bit more, though. Granted, that's probably my personal taste speaking, but...yea, just giving you what I think. As for the flute piece...how do I say this lightly... I love it! I mean, it's simple, yes, easy, yes, different, most definitely. I don't know, maybe I don't know enough or something, but I loved it. There were a couple of notes that I didn't agree with, but other than that, it's a great idea, and it somewhat reminds me of 'Somewhere over the Rainbow'... Great job!
  5. Wow...my jaw drop as soon as I heard it... I must ask this question first off, what program did you use to write this? Also, I would love to see a score if you can get one up. It's screaming Hans Zimmer everywhere, and yet, it's independent...lovely! Keep working, my friend! I eagerly await your next shipment of goodness. :-)
  6. Wow...truly an amazing melody!! However, I must agree with what 'rolifer' said. Breaths are important to the music as well as convenient. I would advise maybe doubling up the melody line between two clarinets, for example, and have them switch off every 8 or 12 bars. Something like that... Great brass parts, I loved every second of it! Dynamics are definitely there, and the style is great. However, look out for the tuba part at the end. I don't play tuba, but I know that it's pretty hard to play something like that on that big of an instrument. Great job, and don't stop! :-)
  7. Yes, definitely an interesting idea. The music somehow reminds me of Ocarina of Time...haha, yes, I'm a nerd. But seriously, you have a good melody and a good way of presenting, just try to figure out a different way to write it. And you could do so much better with development and everything, I KNOW you can... Great job!
  8. I definitely agree with the above commentators, I would love to hear some variety and variation. The ideas are good, the melodies are there... Mess around with it! Musicians (composers being under that category as well) are artists of their trade. If you're an artist, you have to make something that stands out from the rest. Right now, you're on the right track, you just have to make it stand out... Great job, and don't stop!
  9. Very....grand, for lack of better words. I think the piece itself could use a little more imagination, even if it supposed to be an anthem. But great sound! Don't stop!
  10. Very interesting! I will try not to say too much about the repetitiveness, as I'm sure you get the idea that it could be fixed. The rhythms are excellent, and so are the ideas that you're trying to put in here. As for the random 'voice-ins', I would definitely try to make it more relevant. A simple example that I have is military radio. For some reason your piece reminds me of the Transformers score, and it would go really well with some military speech in there, such as "Ready for take-off..." or whenever your music starts to build up and right before it explodes, put a voice-in, "Fire when ready..." I don't know, use your imagination. But great job! :-)
  11. Excellent, I will definitely do something like that... Thanks for taking the time out to listen! :-)
  12. Styrofoam Revamped! - eSnips, share anything! Here is the link! I still don't know how to upload the score... Thanks again for your help! :-D
  13. You know, without sounding like a noob (which I am...) I can't seem to get an .mp3 on here. The website keeps telling me that it's an invalid file. Any suggestions?
  14. Hmm...strange, I thought I did! Sorry about that... I don't really know how to save a score on here for others to view. I previously attached the Finale file that I used... I'll attach an .mp3 now.
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