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About TheHarrowing

  • Birthday 11/20/1982

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  1. Thanks I appreciate, I have heard the CSI comments before, thats a good thing I think. Thanks for the review. Any other comments or crits?
  2. Wow, that computer does suck if this doesnt allow to listen to music, I think the very first pcs ever made could do that!:P And no this is music from me that I believe has some of their sensibilties.
  3. Hey guys This is something I worked on a bit ago and never got to finish it because my pc crashed and didnt back it up before I was done. Interested what you guys think of it as is. Thanks for taking the time. The Technoir Project.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage
  4. Haha! Just stating truth! Well what you think of the song?
  5. Hey I am a producer looking for work and currently working with a local band. I thought a Radiohead /Quincy Jones mix might be an interesting idea to play with. This is the result. Let me know your thoughts. The Resistancev2.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage
  6. Thanks everyone for taking the time to listen and comment. Yes, Chris, I forget about that darn E slider. This piece was actually lost so I couldnt go back and fix it. And Nigel, you seem to have great insight in the story, everything you have said has been pretty much accurate. Thanks for listening. Fourthage, I agree with what you have said, as the full piece is extended this was cut off, I did change the time signature but ahwell, maybe I will compose it again... Thanks for listening and I will definitely look in to your critique. -Christopher Harrow
  7. I am putting out a graphic novel at the end of this year called Avalon: The City Within. Here is a part of the intro song! As The World Falls Down.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage Thanks, comments welcome.
  8. Thanks for taking the time to listen and give feedback. I think you guys are both right. It could work either way. Hopefully it works for the given material. I watch the There Will Be Blood trailer with it, and it gives it an interesting mood. Try it!
  9. I am just honestly searching for critiques to build from not, "you are great". But, thank you if you think so! I want people to post how this made them feel, if I got the "dangerous music" sound across. I like Phillip Glass inspiration for this, did that come across? Too strongly or not enough? Stuff like that. Thanks also Chris, actually this is still reason, but I am getting a little better at mixing I think, and using a new reverb. Thanks for taking the time!
  10. Hrm...38 views and no replies...am I missing something?:P Feed back definitely appreciated.
  11. Hey all... I am doing this for a video game project so I can't show all of it. The commission was "dangerous sound music" to go with the opening film... Its a bit repetitive but thats what they wanted...I change melody drasticly and its goes pretty crazy from here but this is all I can get away with showing. I wanted a Phillip Glass/Hip Hop feel. Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files Feedback appreciated. Chris Harrow I wanted the feel of heaving breathing, like huffing and pufffing.
  12. Heya! Overall I was impressed by the sound quality. It all sounds pretty good. Everything everyone else has said makes sense, the flute was weak and seemed to kinda limp along, I think some high strings accentuating it would work well along with bringing the flute up with some reverb. My main crit would be it sounds very...film music cliche. I feel like I have heard it before. But, for 15 this is darn good. I wish I started at that age! Keep up the good work, the more you experience in life, the more your music will find its identity.
  13. Heya Nirvana... First off, thanks a ton for taking the time to post a comment. I will defintiely remix this thing after I complete it. And I will take your crits in consideration. The Harrowing style is pretty much the greatest compliment an artist can get. Having one's own approach to a pretty broad medium is great to hear, I am glad that I am having that effect. But, with that said, what is it exactly that sounds different from everyone else? Anyways thanks for listening.
  14. Fox! Thanks for listening man! Yeah I agree, action is really what I needed here, exploration definitely suits this better. I agree with the drums too heavy after listening to it in my car. Sucks that I can only compose with headphones until I get enough cash for some great speakers. Currently saving for some JBLs. I plan on having a distinct movement change near the end...we shall see. Do you think the drums should be more...distinct...different? Or are they fine as is?
  15. Hey this is a newer piece I am currently working on for my Technoir Project. I need some comments on it, how it makes you feel, possible things I can do to improve it. Disregard the last 10 seconds plan on changing the melody and taking it somewhere different. Well here it is. I wanted to convey, dark sci fi fantasy urban action with gothic and technological resonances. Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files Thanks, -Harrow
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