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  1. Try to restate some of the main subject, but twisted enough not to considerated an imitation or anything.Also, contrast the new one against the original, so as this one sounds more melodic and cantabile... my 2 cents in this =) Renato
  2. I just wanted to slow it down a bit, thru the end. but thats ok. thnks for the kudos =)
  3. Okay, so here it is =) amateur-ish work. Any comment welcomed. Renato Concerto___Jeremiah_Hong.MID
  4. Does anyone know where can I find Finale .mus files for download? Like an archive, a library with repertoire. Any help appreciated =) Renato
  5. i started to write some accompaniment to it, but im not sure for what do you need... is it Baroque or Classical?
  6. Pan is as important as volume! Pan is everything you need to simulate positioning of instrument in MIDI tracks. For instance, if you use orchestral midi, you should put your violin section a little to the left, as thats the actual position of the ensemble. Try different settings though :) Renato
  7. I'll be honest and say that i only gave a quick listen to it. I'm out of time today. :S I really liked the 7/8 theme, that sounded ilke a goblin dance to me!!! hehehe There are some obscure passages and i would say that i'm not a great fan of the dissonance in the end of it! :S I'll give it another listen, you bet! :) Renato
  8. Hey everybody, this is my first post here... and I wanted to post something completely different from the other works :) Anywho... Yeah, I messed up with traditional harmony... big time! HAHA almost no chord progression was made as in TradHarm, except for one or two Authentic Cadences. I know it's supposed to be a Church Hymn or something but if this isnt a real job, I guess we can try different possibilities. I'm a big fan of fantasy, sci-fi, and alikes, sountracks. I'm starting to get in this different ambient the film composers get, cause it has its own rules [which unfortunately, i cant get anywhere ;) ]. I hope you guys like this harmonization, and yes, its VERY amateur and would like a lot of comments about it =) Learning from mistakes =) Renato Chorale_Challenge___vom_Himmel_hoch2.MID
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