Hi all,
since I've been quiet during the last few weeks (due to lack of time either for posting or composition), I've decided to upload this piece so you can see what I'm up to these days. It was done for an assignment in the introductory harmony course I'm taking this semester, so it's not very polished - but it's not bad, either. The task was to set a short extract from a German song for a mixed choir, actually only two lines: "Gott will im Dunkel wohnen, und hat es doch erhellt / Als wollte er belohnen, so richtet er die Welt."
This translates to "Gott wants to live in darkness, and has yet [illuminated/lightened/brightened] it / as though seeking to reward, he does judge the world." (Sorry, it's a bit clumsy, but I can't do better). The full German song text can be found here: Br