They're both just experiments or technical exercises.
In the first, I was trying to write a simple canon by imitating exactly the melody of a fiddle tune, Ol' Jimmy Sutton, an octave below it. I wanted to see if I could replicate the harmonic sense of the original song while doing this. I also tried to follow what I thought were some of the laws of counterpoint, like avoiding parallel 5ths and 8ths...
The second is an ill-conceived and really premature attempt at starting a fugue, using another American folksong, Blackberry Blossom, as the subject. In this doing this, I wanted to get a sense of what constitutes a fugue while continuing to learn some of the basics of composition.
I better get over to the lessons forum before I embarass myself any further.
Regardless, Thanks and Sveikas,
Also, if anyone knows of any books that might help me, please let me know.