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Flint last won the day on December 6 2011

Flint had the most liked content!

About Flint

  • Birthday 07/05/1973

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  • Biography
    I am a woodwind specialist, happily engaged, living a comfortable suburban life.
  • Location
    sunny Phoenix, AZ. If I'm grouchy, it's the heat. :p
  • Occupation
    Investment banking. Doer of things diverse and sundry.
  • Interests
    computers, music, art, opera, home improvement, entertaining

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  1. I only use uvular fluttering. :)
  2. I'm not going to bother upgrading until they have the ARIA player available on the JABB and COMB libraries as well, since there are sounds I need from those libraries that aren't available in GPO.
  3. No, they're not impossible. Fluttertonguing is fairly easy throughout the range of the flute; it's only more difficult once you reach A6 or higher.
  4. If these new releases weren't the same damn 100 tired old pieces I might take that statement seriously.
  5. Hi... I removed the link a while back since I was able to get a professional bassist to demonstrate and comment on the practice. To sum up: I was asking what a pizzicato artificial harmonic sounded like. Specifically, a 'touch fourth' harmonic on the open E string (sounding two octaves higher). The sound is indeed slightly 'woody', though not particularly 'tinny', with a 'thumpy' attack.
  6. You should have a bar on the screen... on the left side does it say "Shoutbox Hide/Show"? Click that link.
  7. HA! I lol'd. At work, even.
  8. Great, when can we expect your next 25 string quartets done as Indian ragas or in gamelan tuning?
  9. Most certainly not. Some of the music I consider to be the most beautiful is also extremely (for those still suckling on baby food music) 'discordant'.
  10. musical baby food. Also, see my signature.
  11. 'Try' as in... 'tries to *look* sophisticated'?
  12. You have 3-4 generations now that have been taught that music is background noise... something to talk over. And you wonder why 'classical' music is unpopular? You have to actually 'listen' to classical music to understand it or appreciate it. You can't listen and talk at the same time...
  13. Score's a mess, but it's clear enough by the instrumentation and your writing that this is synth-kiddie material. There's poor use of the ensemble as a whole, poor use of the individual instruments, un-idiomatic writing, unrealistic writing. I'm sorry, I won't go into more detail as there is too much to comment on. Judging from this work, you have some interesting ideas but lack the foundation to present them effectively. I recommend finding a teacher and would look forward to seeing your improvement. You do have creativity, you just lack training. Good luck!
  14. As long as your string players aren't dolts and can actually play piano, the solo should be heard fine.
  15. Oh look, the same topic, over and over again.
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