I hope I don't get flamed or looked down upon for saying this, I don't think i will though...
Do any of you play any of the karaoke revolution games to get a better pitch? I've been doing this for maybe 2 weeks now, and I have noticed a distinct improvement in my pitch...
The reason I say I hope I don't get flamed, is cause I am hoping you guys know what karaoke revolution is. I don't want some guy to be all in my face like: "Oh, so it's just a video game! You're not taking this seriously at all!"
I think the game does an accurate job of measuring your pitch, although, I've also ran into a problem:
I can do all the pitch jumps in "Piano man" (for the american Idol edition karaoke revolution) fairly well, although in a song like "Just the way you are" I cannot for the life of me hit the lower pitch notes. it's like when they come, my voice refuses to go any lower, and I have to pause, and then it might go lower. its like I have to reset my voice or something. can anybody help me with this?