I have to say that I am not fond of the 1st one, but thats because you'd prabably call me a tonal kinda guy - I like th feeling of grouding that a key gives. Rhythmically I like it, and I enjoy the very feeling of unease that you invoke... Ok then maybe I like it a little.
The second one, although nothing like my own style or preference, is extremely enjoyable. Those repetitive areas mentioned by abracadabra are nice; they give a feeling of space and keep the piece from feeling rushed (a symptom of my own music). I also like it as it feels far more grounded and doesn't leave that uncomfortable feeling that was invoked by the first.
I have to disagree completely with abracadabra, as the third for me is quite.. interesting. I won't say that I enjoyed it, but listening to it I have a feeling that enjoyment wasn't exactly what you were aiming for? That feeling of space that I mentioned in the second one is clearly evident here. I get images of cathedrals and tall spires, perhaps with a cloudy sky and a funeral...
All in all these are some pretty neat compositions. None of them are what I would consider my style or preference, but in my own opinion they are well written and can be appreciated.