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Monsieur le Sax

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About Monsieur le Sax

  • Birthday 10/24/1989

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  • Biography
    Been playing sax for about 10 years now.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Student @ Western Connecticut State University under Dr. Dan Goble
  • Interests
    Love playing the sax.

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  1. I love this piece. I would love it if you rewrote this for saxophone quartet. It reminds me a little of D
  2. Has anyone ever heard the choral symphony Mythodea by the Greek composer Vangelis? If you like movie music, choral music, oratorios, opera, electronic, and orchestral music, this is definitely a piece to check out. You can watch the whole thing on youtube, with Jessye Norman and Kathleen Battle (sopranos) singing. It's pretty long but it is a piece of epic proportions that not many composers choose to write.
  3. My view about music is that it no longer falls into a style of composition anymore as it did in the 18th and 19th centuries. Composers have enough music from the past to use as inspiration and framework to write pieces for them as opposed to writing for courts or churches. But who knows, all this may spark a new style of writing that changes music for the next 50-100 years. Its always difficult to tell what's gonna happen.
  4. Klonos by Piet Swerts for saxophone and piano made me change the way i approach the saxophone and music in general. It made me really appreciate atonal music and understand the concepts behind it. I listen to it whenever I'm feeling down or need a confidence boost. I dont know why but I feel calm listening to it. It's weird because most people would probably be confused or freaked out listening to it and think I'm psychotic. lol
  5. "On ne s'improvise pas compositeur" i love it. lol. but yea i thought it was just kind of boring and a carbon copy of a mozart or haydn piano concerto.
  6. Harvey Pittel, Eugene Rousseau and Claude Delangle have to be my favorite players ever. I don't really listen to much jazz so I can really only go with Coltrane, sonny, and branford.
  7. I enjoyed the piece so much, but I would've liked to hear a more interesting keyboard part where the cello has the ostinato. It seemed a bit bland, and I was hoping for a featured section for the keyboard, with
  8. I really did enjoy the amazing use of form, but as nico said, the piece did lack some variety especially in the B section. It thought it sounded Mozartarian and kind of similar to Haydn's Piano Sonata in Eb Major. One of my favorite pieces by him. lol. Overall, I'm looking forward to see other movements.
  9. the mezzo was very good. i enjoyed the simplicity. the singer sounds almost like one of my friends. lol. very nice job. :)
  10. I would enjoy hearing more toy and effect percussion. I think it would add a depth to the piece that would make it even more mysterious.
  11. I dont know if I would call it a partita. I think I would use it as an
  12. I love this piece. Enough said. :)
  13. You have nice tone. I play a Selmer Series II. Your vibrato is quite developed. Just watch the pulsations so it doesnt go below the pitch center. I also thought it very strange, but interesting that you incorporated the use of overtones. Good work.
  14. "My only issue with the piece is a question of range. The tenors and basses seem a bit stuck in a rut. I notice that there is only one single voice crossing (at measure 40 IIRC) between tenor and alto. While this is over-all very good choral writing, I'd have liked to have seen a tiny bit more independance of range between the parts. As it sits right now, it's still a bit "piano chordal writing" rather than real choral writing." - Qccowboy I found that the ranges were a bit low especially for the bass line. My tessitura is not very low so I would personally give more opportunities for the bass line to split into baritone. Mostly to give those with high bass ranges the option to sing higher. The piece goes down to low F's and E's quite frequently. I would consider writing more split bass parts, it'll also fill out to chord more too and it'll make the lower part sound even cooler. :) Just something to think about.
  15. I love how all of your work is so classically influenced. It makes for a pleasant and enjoyable listen. I would love to hear these performed and recorded. Its very Mozartian. The rest of the works on myspace are so good.
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