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About David

  • Birthday 06/09/1980

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    Leicestershire, the United Kingdom of Queen Michelle
  • Interests
    Live electronic and computer music<br />Shostakovich<br />Random randomness<br />Being underground (

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  1. It could get boring - but how long do you intend for your piece?
  2. My first instinct is - what mode should this be in? If a tango, then I might assume it's actually in four sharps. Try your left-hand motif such that the notes are F# C# A C# and you'll hopefully hear what I mean. Otherwise, what you're creating is simply a rhymic drone of sorts*, using I and V. Therefore, I think you might need to establish what mode you're in and correct my assumption. The title of your piece says Arabian, so I suspect you want to allude to the locrian mode. How might you esablish that? (Or, if not the locrian mode, then how might you establish what you do intend? There are, of course, more options than simply the locrian mode.) *I very much like rhythmic drones - too many composers go off on so many tangents far too often for my liking!
  3. There is a thread from WAAAAY back on this forum - I don't know if it's still here. It sort of discussed the topic here, though in different terms. I think from a DSM understanding (now DSM V) of what Narcissism is, I would catagorically say no, creativity can't and won't lead to narcissism. It's an explorative and iterative process rather than a pathway to anything - especially not narcissism! By the way, if anyone here thinks that they might be narcissistic and are worried about that... then worry not; the chances of you being narcissistic AND questioning yourself about it are incredibly small. A narcissist won't ask that of themselves. Finding balance in reviewing one’s work is essential and therefore there is a requirement: listen to your own work! Don't overindulge though. Keep balanced. (Would you just eat from the shrubbery?) Do listen to your own music. Analyse. Self-review. Be constructive. And then move on. (But re-visiting preiodically is good and healthy.) [Edited for terrible spelling msitkeaklsed.]
  4. The gu zheng is of the zither family.
  5. I think perhaps the question "Do you think this is a good idea?" is not objective enough. I think it's neither, as I have reservations about it but I wouldn't say it's a bad idea. Similarly, the *idea* could be a good one but the reality could present some potential problems (as already mentioned in this thread). Personally I wouldn't use it - at least at the moment.
  6. The M-Audio MIDI controllers are very good but be careful that you get one that has onboard sounds if that's what you want. If you get just a MIDI controller, then you will need to plug it into a computer or other external sound box in order to get sounds out of it. A Yamaha or Casio (or other...) keyboard will do fine, so long as it has a MIDI output (and input, if you want to control it externally) for you to plug it into the computer. So yes, a standard MIDI keyboard will do the job well. A USB MIDI input/output could be useful...
  7. Perhaps I'll compile it tomorrow. It's only a minor revision, so it's probably not that urgent an upgrade. I don't really subscribe to the 'latest is best' ethos. I'm still on a 2.6.16 kernel on this machine!
  8. Let's now test accidental multiple posting. Edit: Yep, seems to work. I pressed the button about ten times before the topic page loaded with the new reply. Edit2: I'm using Firefox on Linux, if that info is useful to know...
  9. Let's test it. :thumbsup: Edit: seems to work!
  10. The correct verb would be to aufzugknal, would it not?
  11. It would be quite easy to make a lock in php which disables requests to post for a limited period of time. Eg. Poster clicks button Check lock file If lock file is still valid, do nothing If lock file is not existant or no longer valid, create (new) lock file (either in memory or on disc) with date and time of post and allow the new post to be created You may know a more efficient way of doing this...
  12. Holst wrote for the Heckelphone rather than the bass oboe (oboe baryton) as the London Symphony Orchestra at the time owned a Heckelphone. It is also believed that Vaughan Williams did likewise. The only potential problems are thus: 1) They wrote for the Heckelphone thinking that it was a bass oboe 2) They didn't know the differences between the two instruments 3) They were told that the Heckelphone was indeed a bass oboe 4) When playing a part that really is for Heckelphone on a bass oboe, you won't hear what the composer intended Anyway, not wanting to overcrowd the topic with barely relevant material I shall stop there! Now to invent this 'super oboe'...
  13. It exists. I don't know if usernames are case sensitive, so just make sure that you are putting in "Magna Carta" exactly. If that doesn't work, then an admin needs to sort it out.
  14. I doubt it makes profit at all, given that running costs of a site are quite high. There is a small income from the advertising to go towards said costs.
  15. Please, please explain your sig.
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