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  1. 'Burn the land, boil the sea' is a lyric from the FIREFLY t.v. show theme. A great little song, incidentally. The next line is ' You can't take the sky from me.... ', hence the connection to STRANGE SKY.
  2. Mmm....Yggdrasil, Is that a pretentious reference to something so important it held up the structure of heaven and earth ? On a side note, that level of ego is interesting. It sorta reminds me of people who dismiss whole genres of music out of hand. For me they are a bad thing. But I guess their mothers love them.
  3. String Trio, part 1.mid You MUST be over eighteen to download this tune. Yqqdrasil_ate_my_hamster.mid
  4. perfectpilot.pdf Look out the window - floating toxins, unseasonal hurricanes, falling frogs, wrong temperature, wrong colour, jumbo jets and ufo's. What is it ? STRANGE SKY.............................. Strange_sky__B_.MID
  5. Crimson Flight.MUSI just came across a vintage recording of the CPU trio recorded live at Anna Loggs Buss Bar and Grill some time in the early sixties. This is extremely rare, featuring as it does Stan Free_beer.._and_girls.MID
  6. Thanks for your interest spc1st. You are the only one to point out the harmonic ballpark - although I am a Brit my all time heroes are Mr Donald Fagen and Mr Walter Becker. For some wildly fluctuating musical styles with the same edge, check out all my posts starting from November last year. :( Incidentally, I probably treated 1-6 appallingly, but hey. . . . I was young
  7. I think you mean you trained as a turkey, in which case graduating with a PhD is entirely appropriate. It is always entertaining when someone with a flimsy grasp of English tries to be.... well, a smartass... Thanks for the laugh. And thanks to REQUIEM for his measured response. "In the words of Hemenway..." -- that's gonna crack me up for weeks to come...!! As for candy and sex, please feel free to return to those pursuits and desist from excremental verbal discharges on this polite and gentlemanly forum.
  8. Here are some random thoughts. Relaxed and 'swinging' rhythmic figures are prominent in all styles, top heavy with 'pushes' (accents), syncopation. Hardly anything happens right 'on' the beat. Lots of chromaticism and 'blue' notes in melodies. Mainstream - heavily altered II and V chords with augmented/flat fifths, sharp/flat nines. Quick progressions through related tonal centres. Modern jazz - chords with no thirds, fluid tonal centres. 'Angular' bass harmonies/dissonance. There is no definition. You have to listen to truckloads of it until it becomes instinctive.
  9. I think the sound of the midi organ has hypnotized you. As well it might. It's bach is worse than it's byte. Play that on the piano and you will find tumbleweed blowing through a harmonic desert. But hey, at least you aren't on a street corner doing graffiti. Don't give up.
  10. OH NO...I feel some FEEDBACK coming on. Stop me, my shirt is starting to rip....... What is that thing called again ? The thing my grandmother used to like.... Oh yes ! I remember - A NICE TUNE. I think the daft old bat was onto something. Why not try putting one over the slap-happy bass lines and jumptastic rhythms that give you such merriment. Something for the human spirit to hang on to while it's donkey is shakin' on the dance floor........... TUNES make you breathe more easily. Don't touch an instrument, manuscript paper or a computer keyboard until AFTER you've heard a good one in your head. There, I seem to have FED BACK. Where's my medication ? HAVE YOU HIDDEN IT ?!!..! :D
  11. Picture this. It's 1951 - I come back from the shops only to discover that those rascally boffins have invented MIDI. So I pull up a chair to write my very first tune. Then the dream I had the night before comes flooding back and I can see that house on the clifftop, the one made of bamboo and rice paper. Pristine and gleaming except for one black spider under the eaves. But it's OKAY. When I turn around, Girl Seven is with me. So this is the first one, this is the clean one - the ethereal House of White Paper. House_of_white_paper__M_.mid
  12. :P It was only a matter of time before sex reared it's ubiquitous head. Only it's not sex this time, it's a love thing. :wub: Forget the other six. This one makes me feel like painting again. She makes the traffic interesting. She's GIRL SEVEN.Fountain_Of_Dreams.mid :wub: Girl_seven__M_.mid
  13. This was written before HENRY FORD was born but it was never more relevant. How we gonna breathe if you don't PARK and RIDE ?? Foolish school of fish on wheels................................ :P HornSonata2.MID Park_and_ride__M_.mid
  14. Considering your age, I thought the trumpet piece was excellent. It has a rudimentary structure and emotional cadences, like a lot of the soft-rock ballads you hear on the radio, but is a really good example of that style of writing. Well done. The other two were thrown together, as you say, each containing unexplored germs of ideas that could be expanded. You would do well to listen to lots of string and brass arrangements and try and begin to incorporate them into your ideas. Your rhythmic sense is fine, but don't pour energy into something until you are sure you have at least one very strong melodic idea ( you knew you had it in the trumpet piece ! ). I would be interested to know what instrument you play, and if you write 'on' it.
  15. Oh...and we were just getting along so well. I think I'm gonna have to say THEY ARE THE SAME CHORD but, well, wouldn't they just sound different ? As for sides, you appear to be on the side of compose and then instrument, yet something in your argument suggests tosser......... so I am confused. :happy: "NOW MR JAZZ, YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T BE IN HERE....... LET THE NICE NURSE TAKE YOU BACK TO YOUR ROOM. WE'VE MISSED OUR MEDICATION AGAIN, HAVEN'T WE ???"
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