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About punkitititi

  • Birthday 02/26/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Naples, Italy ---> here http://www.danpiz.net/napoli/index.htm
  • Occupation
  • Favorite Composers
    F.J.Haydn, M.Haydn, A.Salieri, D.Cimarosa, Ch.W.Gluck, J.N.Hummel, J.Ch.Bach, C.Ph.E.Bach, N. Jommelli, K. Ditters von Dittersdorf, C. Stamitz, J. L. Dussek, etc.
  • My Compositional Styles
    I am a Classical Music Composer, specialized into the music of the "Classical Era", that is the music produced between 1750 and 1830.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale 25 + Kontakt 5 + GPO Full + other instruments
  • Instruments Played
    Pianoforte, Cembalo

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  1. Divertimento for Winds in B-flat major op. 344 This divertimento was written between January 17th and 24th, 2015 in Naples. It employs 2 oboes, 2 bassoons and 2 natural horns in B-flat Alto, that is of the high register, because there are also horns in B-flat basso, which sound an octave below the alto one. The style employed is of the middle classical period and the fist movement, the Allegro molto is in sonata form, whereas the other movements are an Andantino in binary structure, Minuetto and Trio and a Rondò as last movement. The timings next to the movements correspond to the ones in the video, where each movement occurs I. Allegro molto..................0:16 II. Andantino......................6:09 III. Menuetto e Trio............8:20 IV. Presto........................11:28
  2. As always with you a very nice job with the concerto, its themes and the balance between orchestra and soloist. Maybe the slow movement is the less inspired of the group, but still an enjoyable page nonetheless! Thank you for sharing it with us.
  3. Improvisation what a consolation! :)

  4. Hahaha, well the beginning is that slow because i was reading it prima vista! A friend of mine asked me to improvise something on a Beethoven piece, and he asked me to do it with that theme, so I went online and I found the beginning of the music and I wrote down on paper, then I started recording it and playing it and I went on like that... I know it has to be a bit more fast, but well... next time :D SergeOfArniVillage, thank you for the nice analysis, I really liked it! LordNemrod, haha that was funny :)
  5. For the "Beethoven allover" I have uploaded some time ago an improvisation over the first 14 measures of the Appassionata, you may like too... it is a 22 min long improvisation :)
  6. Adagio for PianoForte in F major. This is one of my improvisations I recorded on February 12th, 2009. I am used to improvise every single day and for several hours; unfortunately I don't record all of what I improvise because it is a kind of long process and being myself on the piano willing to play it right on the moment, I honestly don't really feel like to spend time just to start setting up everything to record myself :-p I hope you all will like this little piece. Adagio for PianoForte in F major (Improvisation)
  7. Thank you very much Soon I will post more improvisations, I just need to convert them to a smaller size
  8. I think it is a very well made piece, congratulations to the splendid work!
  9. I am sorry for the flat piano haha but I got just that... but thank yous very much guys for appreciating it! :)
  10. Well this is just one of my improvisations I recorded, I do improvise almost everyday and for hours. This is just one piece I could improvise while improvising other things, but I don't record them all the time because I forgot to do it heheeh I always tell myself to do it like, every time I will improvise I must record, but then it takes some time to set it all up, and I never do it hahah a friend of mine asked me to improvise something on Beethoven's "appassionata", and I had a quick look at the score and took the very beginning, which is just a simple jump from note to note in F minor with little added in-between, then I put it together with my ideas and my feels of that moment, and every now and then used the theme to give to the whole piece a better sense of togetherness. For the second question/idea, it is a big no, I wouldn't write down an Improvisation, would be pointless and lose the improvisation character itself which consists in the fact that it is made on the spot, it's not something written out, so you had thoughts on it, it is just "free speech", and it has to be that way. I could improvise you millions different ways on the same theme, in this case of Beethoven, and this would mean I'd need to notate all them? No way! hehe I dont really care to write down my improvisations, as I said, if i want to make a record of them, I just go and record it. I have my written music and my improvised music. Sometimes while I am improvising it happens that I want to sue that idea for a work, so I take the pen and the paper and write it down and compose the piece while improvising it, that's why it takes me not much time to write something, if I really need it. But, besides all that I am glad you liked my music! :)
  11. This is an Improvisation I played on July 31st, 2010 over the first 14 measures of the first movement of the sonata "Appassionata" of Ludwig van Beethoven Improvisation over the first 14 measures of Beethoven's Appassionata Up to 1.52 is Beethoven's original compositione, namely the first 14 measures. From 1.54 on is my elaboration of it, all made on the spot, so don't ask for a score which doesn't exist, because it was all made on the spot.
  12. wow this is fun! Loved it all! I think it works well in this short fashion, direct and not over-abused. Maybe making it too long on the same pattern will turn out to be monotonous. Once you understood the theme, the excessive use might not give a big benefit to the whole, unless you put something total different and makes this another impression in the whole. I think it is perfect the way it is, nice, fun and challenging a bit! Bravo
  13. Thank you very much! No it is not an harpsichord, it is a fortepiano. At the time each fortepiano maker had its own sound, so, some fortepianos sounded more bright and other sounded a bit more muddy, but in general that was it. For example in the same period of the late 18th century, in england, fortepianos made by Clementi, sounded more round and "dark" quite more near the sound of today rather then the ones in vienna had a more bright sound. Just a little example. Here you have the moderator, which is a little piece of cloth that goes on the strings and makes it a very soft sound, and it is actioned by a lever on the middle of the keyboard, when you take it off it puts on the cloth, when you push it in, it takes it off, and under the keyboard there are the damper and resonator which are activated by the knee. So this is why you hear the difference from one part to the other. :) I have got some sonatas for piano as well, didn't post them yet, will post soon ;) Next to this I will post an allegro I wrote in september 2007 almost a month after this adagio, and there I use another pianoforte.
  14. Adagio per Pianoforte in La maggiore op. 146 This is a slow movement I wrote on August 8th, 2007. It has got two main themes and other small sections that link together the main ideas plus an area where there would be a cadence, which is not present in this recording but can either be improvised on the spot or just written on occurrence. Adagio for Pianoforte in A major op. 146
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