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About kukes

  • Birthday 02/02/1987

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  • Location
    Santa Barbara/Orange County, CA
  • Occupation
    I work at the happiest place on earth, Disneyland.
  • Interests
    Meditation, Animals, Movie Nights, Hanging out with friends.

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  1. Ha ha thanks for the feedback. I played horn for six years of course I'm gonna write four parts LOL it's all about four part horn writing ;) thanks again for your feedback!
  2. Hey There, Sorry this piece took me so long to finish. A lot of things went in my way of finishing it sooner. (School, Senior Recital, Other Pieces, etc.) In any case, this is it! The half-way point. Two more movements to go. (Remorse and Passion.) For this piece, the MIDI does not do it justice. I ask that you please look at the score as well as listening to it because a lot of things sound weird as opposed to what they would normally sound. For example, the MIDI doesn't play col legno, bartok pizz., some of the sforzandos, some of the perc. instruments, etc. As well as the balances of the MIDI don't reflect what would happen with the orchestra in real life in some of the passages. In this piece, I wanted to convey fury obviously. But I also wanted to convey more that just that. What happens when we can't control our fury? What happens when we let it consume us and it leads us to doing something drastic that we immediately regret doing the minute we did it? I hope you enjoy this piece! :D Happy Listening and Composing, Kyle MP3 Here: Compositions of Kyle Ukes on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Symphony No.1 Mvmt. III. Fury.pdf
  3. How can one chord with one tonality be polytonal? Poly=many One=one You should review applied tonality and borrowed chords when you can. Just sayin'.
  4. My freshmen music theory teacher was this little cute Asian Women. She had a shisu she would bring to class. Anyway, besides the point. Every day before she started her lecture, she would say "The bass is the foundation of harmony." She said this every day. I don't know if this helps, but it just reminded me of her. The End P.S. Could we possibly see the piece? P.P.S. "Contrarywise" The linguist in me cringed a little. :P Very cute, but no. That is not a word. ;)
  5. "So, guys, here's the question that I've been toying with." No pun intended right? Because it's a kid's symphony. :P Do I change the title to "Kindersymphonie" and leave it as is and write a new symphony, or do I do a massive revision of the piece and leave it as my first numbered symphony? I'd say to a mixture of both. You seem to be really proud of this piece so keep it as your first. I've listened to the whole thing and I think you should just move on and start anew. And I agree with other people on this thread. Try scaling it back first. Get better at harmony, counterpoint, etc. and then move on to bigger scale works like another symphony. I know how much it sucks to have the drive to write something like this but just not be ready educationally. Just have some patience and you'll be fine. ps. "Schenker makes a huge deal of this. Of course you can imply the key before hand, but for use in analysis, a key is defined by a V7-I cadence. This applies to initial keys and modulations. " Where have you heard this? Even in regular theory class you are taught that if you just prolong I that defines the key. You don't need a cadence to define it. I'm taking Schenker right now and the same rule seems to apply on bigger scale analysis as well. And what do you mean by modulations as well? I agree with you that cadences help define the key but if they do that so well, then why would someone use a PAC or an AC to modulate somewhere when you are saying "I am in this key" with a cadence? Wouldn't you use something like applied tonality or pivot chords instead?
  6. I wasn't criticizing Justin's review of the music in general. I'm criticizing his reasoning as to why he thinks it is a bad piece outside of the musical properties of it. (I think you should read my review in full as well)
  7. Justin, I just had an epiphany. Now I see why you are so negatively critical to everyone except your own works. You think that composition is all about profit. You treat it as if it's 100% business and that the composer must meet what "today's listener" demands. My friend, you are so wrong. Composing is about self expression. It's about expanding your thoughts and your feelings to another person. And frankly, you do not know how the business works. A conductor would not reject this score on the basis that it sounds like Mozart. If he did, then he's a stupid conductor. A good and wise conductor would realize that this is a new piece of work and ok so what if it sounds a little retro?? Have you ever heard of neoromaticism or neocalssicism?? I listened to this piece and I found it rather enjoyable and fun to listen to. The only thing that would not allow a conductor to perform it if he wrote out of the range for the instruments, bad orchestration, etc. You know, stupid things that would slow the rehearsals down because every five minutes someone would raise their hand saying "this is beyond the range...we don't have that in are parts...Rehearsal Letter C is mm.45 for us not 64, etc" The orchestra conductor at my school is all about student compositions. He understands that we are new music and it when people like YOU say "oh just play Mozart because its superior, oh just play Brahms...etc" YOUR THE REASON why composers today have practically no performances of their pieces and why we have all this wonderful talent that can't be shown. Because for some people like yourself the general consensus is "Oh, in the past, they did it so much better so why bother." FURTHERMORE, who gave you the right to speak for every listener of western music?! As of now, the overwhelming average of people who commented on this piece seem to like it. So it seems like your opinion isn't even in the majority. So stop acting as if you are the GOD of MUSIC and that your opinion speaks for EVERYONE who has the ability to HEAR. Again, if you think that composing is all business and zero art and expression. Then get out now. I just pray to god that you're never in charge of any orchestra. PS. The only feedback I would give is to play around more with the timbres of the orchestra. Your music is flowing and it works really well. I just think now you need to play with the different colors the orch. can give you. :)
  8. For a split second, I thought this read "Jesus loves me chocolate." I was way off. If you could please send a PDF with MIDI that would be great. I have finale and for some reason it won't open it up. I think it's because you are using a newer version of Finale. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for your feedback. I have reworked it a lot and changed a lot of things for the better conversationally speaking. I will hope to post it soon along with the song that follows this one. Thanks again! :)
  10. ...apparently not.
  11. We'll see. Actions speak louder than words. The world can do without your pretentious funk that fills the air of this forum.
  12. case...and...point.
  13. And you're 18. I'm sure you know a lot about the real world. And yes, criticism is nice but you go about it in such a harsh way that makes you look like such a dickhead honestly. You can be a little nicer with your criticisms. Ironically, when people criticize you (like just now) you just make up excuses and can't man up. In the real world, that kind of attitude will make you totally unwanted to work with. ESP. in places like Hollywood or NYC. Honestly Justin, I've worked on many collaborative projects and productions. And if you were involved in any of them with the attitude and that persona you portray, you would be fired in an INSTANT. You need to man up and lean that composing is not only an art, it's a business. And you are a horrible businessman. And its true, musicians are not assholes like you make them seem to be. They would get pissed if they pointed out some technical errors and you were all "Oh ok whatever." But if you really listen to what they have to say to make your score or music better, if anything they will have a higher respect for you. Musicians want to get paid just like anybody else. I think they will manage. And this isn't the first time you've been this way. I'm really surprised you haven't been kicked off of YC for your behavior.
  14. Oh that's really cool! I'm orriginaly from north OC. I see whet you are talking about with the emphasis. I will rework it. Like I said I still haveno idea where I'm hoiing with this so I might need another brain thinking about it. Thanks again and good luck on your projects! :)
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