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About Wolf

  • Birthday February 11

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  • Biography
    I write music!
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    Canada, eh?
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  1. I listened to this from the random music link thing on the front page. I guess I wanted to be the first to say I liked it!
  2. Thats a little exaggerated.
  3. Don't mind this post, I was replying to something long gone. Then theres no delete button, so here I'm trapped in the humiliating purgatory of a wasted post. cha cha. While I'm here I guess I should talk about my lack of an avatar... alright, here goes. I'll get one soon, it'll be cool, I had one before, it's now gone, that kinda sucks, oh well, thats the business world and scraggy. :>
  4. Charles Ives! : D
  5. Wolf


    Rachmaninoff is better.
  6. I get all the juice I can from whatever mode of composing. Each type has it's own novelty but really when your satisfied with a work the finished project reflects the true intentions of the subconsious.
  7. Art is very beautiful. Music though has a sence of deep life, the effects of moving time, a feeling of direction, but openness maaaaaaaaaan.
  8. Damages the strings dood. You can only use it on the outside ones anyway. Be a sport and get an Ebow!
  9. Zomfg!!1one Opeth and Rachmaninov are definately in my top favourites list as well! I had the pleasure of meeting the band during they're Vancouver signing in October. I couldn't have said it better myself. The atmosphere I get from good deep classical music I find prominant in certain metal bands too (particularly black metal for me). The power in these genres haven't even been scrached yet, such expression and imagery. If your a fan of Opeth I also recommend Drudkh and Ulver if you haven't already heard them. (Ulver's Bergtatt is a good example of they're early brillance, in fact they're whole discography is bereft of dry ideas. As for Drudkh if you can stomache the traditional black metal recordings they're first album is the easiest start.) It's nice to see someone else with such a passion for Romanticism music : )
  10. Technically even if your influenced by things around you it still reqires the mind to process and analize everything into a what it sees as a logical form of expression.
  11. Well right now I'm currently unemployed so I have abundant free time. :)
  12. It's somewhat the same with certain pieces of art or animation. If your meant to focus on one particular part of the painting for example all the rest of the visiual will either be blurred or less intresting on an intracate sence. (This effect in art is called point of contrast) On the other hand if its put right it will indeed add to the whole expierance not just the audio one. Nothing beats pwning some noobs in sof2 while having some complex music on. :laugh:
  13. If you do download the trial version of FL studio your allowed to export but if you download most other programs your allowed to get the feel of it (for a limited amount of time) and saving / printing / exporting are disabled. So generally I'd consider it FL's fault for not making it stricter, or maybe it was they're idea?
  14. Some game music is very good, but just because it usually takes place in the classical vein you must remember it's quite minimalistic because a lot of expierance is based off of the visual. If you put Fantasie Improtu in C minor obviously it would steal the spotlight of the human mind.
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