I remember the simpson episode too, it's sad really, it depresses me, because there is so much beauty in classical music, well, it's their loss!
My thoughts on mahler's 10th
I have only heard two recordings of Mahler's tenth, and I am absolutely amazed by it, first of all, it's the least played Mahler's symphonies, because it was not finished, and I believe numerous musiologists have attempted to finish it, and they did, to an extend a fairly decent job, I guess this is the only blemish to this symphony, that it is not all mahler's music we are hearing, it's cook or whoever. The music is fantastically Mahler, he completed most of the symphony before his death anyways, the main ideas were his, the first movement is 99% original, and I'd say it is quite a movement, you can see the progression of Mahler going from very late romantic to modern there, a milestone for western music certainly. THe second movement, which is called a scherzo, but from this scherzo I heard melodies, rythmes he used in his previous symphonies, i dont know why, the melodies are all different, but somehow it reminds me of his previous works. THe third symphony is the most "scary" of all the music I have ever heard, do you know that he just found out that his wife was cheating on him, and wrote down words of anger on the margins, when i was listening to this movement, i swear that i felt that anger, it is especially strange when the music shifts to a very happy and vivacious melody, exquiste movement, the last two, I did not like as much, because I believe that most of those two movements were in short score, and probably not very original.
In case any of you wonder what "death" sounds like, listen to his tenth