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About aaron_payne

  • Birthday 02/27/1992

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  • Biography
    My Name is Aaron. And well. The rest of the stuff about me is here.
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  • Occupation
    Service Supervisor, Composer, Musician
  • Interests
    Hanging out with Friends, Music (of Course), Working and thats pretty much it.

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  1. You seem to have a good melody, but I would consider less block writing, moving in blocks becomes really monotonous to the audience and they may get bored. Try having a counter-melody or something else to go along with the melody, instead of just block chords. Maybe try having the opening as a brass fanfare style thing with percussion and then having the woodwinds come in later with something else. Also, in regards to instrumentation, are you going to add oboes, bassoons, other low woodwinds, maybe a double bass and also extra percussion. P.S. On a personal note, I usually really hate doubling saxes and horns, I found that it brings out the worst qualities of both instruments. Just being picky with this one though. Aaron.
  2. Hey guys. :cool: So basically like most of the other songs in this thread this one is incomplete. Up to the point I'm at I am fairly happy with how the song is. I'm just unsure as to what I could do next. And suggestions for the following bit or on a part I've already done would be greatly appreciated. :) passing breeze.sib passing breeze.mid
  3. I find saxophone really easy to write for! Haha. It's like the french horn, it blends well with the brass section and the woodwind section and is easily one of the most versatile in the Concert Band.
  4. Haha. Eupho is my primary instrument. But I have also played tuba, horn, bassoon and play trombone and cello too. I tend to favour bass, although trumpet was my first "band" instrument. I remember when I first started high school we had a lot of bands; 3 concert bands, 3 stage bands, a string orchestra and 2 sax ensembles. But then the year after we lost one stage and concert band because music is becoming less popular. =[. But I'm in them all anyway so it doesn't really matter much. haha.
  5. I agree with MusicMan, the beginning is a bit dodgy. But I do disagree where he says you don't nessecarily need horns. Horns are always great to have. Even if you only put two, the timbre of the horn supplements woodwind sections even if the horn is only playing a long note. =].
  6. Yer the ending was kind of hard for me to think of. I knew I wanted the bassoon to either play the solo melody from the start or the inverted one of the oboe at C or D but in the end I chose the one from the start and decided it might be nice to re-include some of the counter-melodies and accompanying lines that were in the original theme. I suppose I could extend the middle section if and cut out the second playing of the melody in the oboe with horn and violin one. It might work yet. Haha. I will have another fiddle around with it. Thanks for your feedback though. It's appreciated.
  7. I think this might work with some basic composing aspects, but in general I think that as students they do need teacher input desperately. Like with everything else in life, everybody is different and therefore, need different things. It has also been proven that different people progress better under different teaching conditions/methods of explanation. So in my humble opinion, I think student-teacher works better.
  8. Well, I found if I write something for piano I tend to prefer it to stay on Piano. Its always hard to me to orchestrate my piano stuff, mainly because it just wouldn't sound like. So I just...keep it seperate. I also can't work of condensed scores. Don't like it. But to orchestrate well, you need to know the instruments and how well they work with each other.
  9. I find that I'll be doing something and I will suddenly think of a motif I like that reminds me of something. I find a nearby instrument (I always have one), then I write it down and what it reminds me of. When I get back home I normally change the instrument to play it. Put just that instrument on a score, then eventually as I think of bass lines, countermelodies etc. I add the instrument to the score that I want to play them. Sometimes my scores end up randomly grouped because sometimes I include things like lower brass but want no trumpets, or have a bass clarinet but no normal clarinet. But it normally works out in the end as I add little things.
  10. I think it depends who explains it. My theory book explained it entirely different than our music teacher. The original point still remains though. The viola is a FIFTH lower than the violin (Viola being C3, Violin G3). The nack is reading alto clef, which can be painful. But normally when I count intervals I go; A to E so you use the scale; A B C#/C D E F#/F G#/G (depending on major/minor) And E just happens to be the fifth one after the A.
  11. I've always been a concert band fanatic and now isn't any different. Haha. I loved your theme, really catchy as all the others have said. Umm. Minor things, the alto clarinet part on my computer is up in the 9 - 10 leger line section. I don't know how that happened it just did. Also I was slightly dissapointed that there were no bassoons included. I would have also liked to see the lower brass have a more active role. I am a brass player that specialises in euphonium and am always dissapointed when I have a note on the downbeat then the rest of the bar rest so it can repeat. Brass players might hurt you. But, other than that, I thought it was really well done
  12. I agree. The piano part is a little bit boring after the first couple of bars and the long held note at measures 9 - 15 should be reconsidered. I think maybe trying to make the piano more of an active part too might help, instead of just filling in time. The piano semibreve chords might be better if they moved quicker to help it to flow. =]. I liked most of the oboe part though. =].
  13. Sounds really good. I enjoyed it. I think four horns is a good number to use. I always try to use four, despite the fact that Renee hates our band playing my compositions because we only have two horn players and I end up doubling. =]. Are you including any Brass or Percussion in this one?
  14. Currently it is unnamed and normally msot of mine stay that way for a while until I decide to name it. Funny thing is I can't think of a name for this one. Anyway, this is the first piece I've posted on here. In fact, it's one my favourite ones of mine. I was inspired to write this piece because, well at the start of the piece I was thinking about my girlfriend but then it just sort of evolved from there. I didn't really experience a block while writing it. Well at one stage it was 10 o'clock at night so I decided to continue in the morning. Then it was finished but I kept making minor adjustments until I was happy. But anyway, feedback is very welcomed. I want a fair bit of it. Please bear in mind, the MIDI file is really bad sounding. If you have Kontakt Player with Sibelius it will sound 100 time better. Another Song.mid Another Song.sib
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