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About Smartyy

  • Birthday 02/24/1993

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  1. here.. some of the bar lines and the notes got meshed 'cause my scoring program is retarted SONATAI.pdf
  2. hello? lol is it THAT bad?
  3. I actually put some thought into this, and it's not that good, but I wrote it last night at like, 3 am when my mind isn't entirley there. However, I hope at least one enjoys it somewhat =P -Smartyy! SONATA I.mid
  4. is it too late yet? I haven't been on for a while but if it's not too olate you can count me in!! If it is, I will take the challenge anyway.. it'll be good for me =) -Smartyy!
  5. Thanks Finrod I did end up adding drums to it, but my Dad was working on the computers when we lost power and also all of my songs.. The drums did sound good though. Anyway, I used Rosegarden on Ubuntu Linux to write the song, and I don't know if i can/how i can export it as an mp3. Where can you download the synth things you were talking about? Also, what is the Parameters thing, I know that Rosegarden has little things you can use to adjust them, I just didn't know what they meant, like the Pan Volume and stuff lol.. Thanks again for the comment, I'm glad somebody finally listened to it :) -Smartyy!
  6. hello? sorry if I sound impatient lol..:P
  7. sorry it took me awhile to reply. -I know my cycle of Fourths, and I do believe the Cycle of Fifths is the same but backwards, but I don't know either very well. You could ask me "What scale comes after Bb in the Cycle of Fourths?" And I would answer "Eb" But I couldn't answer right off the top of my head. -I do listen to a lot of sax players, that basically all I have in my music library. -I do.. occasionally.. record myself, especially when playing with my dad And I have listened to Chopin, I have a few of his books. I wish a had his Impromptu book though.. his were amazing. Also I use Rosegarden to write stuff and listen to MIDI files. I have Finale but I have never used it since it's on my dad's computer, so I don't know if it works. I wouldn't also mind using PDFs as well.. makes it eaier for me, since i'm a visual learner. -Smartyy!
  8. wow i didn't think anybody would reply to this lol. Yeah It is very boring. I added a contra since I last updated this thread, it has a lot of 'solos' in the first 30 measures or so to make the four bassoons not sound so repetetive. I sorta gave up on that piece though, I wrote a new one, which I am still tweaking, it can be found at the "Avante-Garde/Electronica" section. It's called "Urban NIght" Thanks for the comment though! -Smartyy!
  9. Since the last time I uploaded a song it sucked terribly, I will upload this. I might add something on the end to make it better, and I will be adding some drums, since I only figured out how write for them an hour ago. Anyway, this is my first song, entitled "Urban Night" it's a techno song, and i guess techno is like electronica, if not, please move this to the correct forum :) I had the idea when I was playing "GT Pro Series" (terrible game) on my Wii, the soundtrack is mainly techno music so I thought "Hey, I should try to write something like this." I am sick right now, and was home from school, so I sat in front of the computer for 7 straight hours writing this. My first song. So far what you hear is unedited. The chords at the beginning suck.. so i'll probably remove them. Please post any comments, and critique (good or bad) as much as you can. I want this to be a good piece. Thanks and Enjoy! -Smartyy! EDIT: I don't have a score of it, i don't know how yet to convert Rosegarden files into PDF files. sorry for the inconvenience. EDITING THE EDITED: I just heard the song on a frien'ds comupter, who has a real sound MIDI card thing, and the bass line sounds a little wierd, so if it sounds the same when you hear it, it sounded better when I wrote it on my Dad's computer. On mine and my friend's and on my laptop it sounds wierd. Just the bass line though. -Smartyy! Urban Night.mid
  10. This music really confuses me, and although it just seems to me like random notes on a page, this song, somehow, someway, I liked. I smiled towards the end, it's a very nice piece for atonal. I don't know much about this kind of music, nor have I heard alot of it, but I still liked this piece very much. -Smartyy!
  11. it's very beautiful for your first piece. I liked it very much! It sounds like a soundtrack to a movie.. like in the middle of a battle scene when it all goes slow-mo and somebody falls to the ground. or maybe i'm just totally off =P lol that sounded really nerdy :P great job! -Smartyy! EDIT: after listening to it a few times, it sort of sounds like it has influences from Andreas Vollenweider, who does songs like this. anyway, it also sound like Enya.
  12. hey Paginani, I got Rosegarden working now and I can play MIDI files!! Can I join? Please? I dropped out last time because I didn't have anything up and running.. but now i do! -Smartyy!
  13. I would but Rosegarden's big flaw is I can't change instruments without deleting the whole piece that the instrument that I want to change. So If i wanted to change the English Horn to Contra, I would first have to delete the english horn. :( However, I do believe there is a Copy and Paste Function that I could use.. hmmmmm -Smartyy!
  14. actually never mind.. i thought I converted the file right but I guess not.. can't upload it :( -Smartyy! (you can delete this post now :P) Never mind the Never-minded :P I got it working now.. here 'tis, the first minute and a half or so. Basically I got my idea figured out, after the Oboe does it's thing, a snare drum is gonna come in real quiet, then a clarinet will do it's thing, then horn or something, i don't know, but eventually the whole orchestra will play together. please critique it in any way possible (and the first two notes of the Oboe is switched, but it's late and i'm too tired to fix it right now) -smartyy! P.S. two things: 1, don't try to play the "concerto for Bassoon.mid" it's not a real MIDI file, and 2. the name "Bassoon English Horn Quartet Song" isn't the real name of the song, but at the time i was going to do a queartet consisting of those four things.. (and I spelled Bassoon wrong :P) thanks! Concerto for Bassoon.mid Basson English Horn Quartet Song.mid
  15. Hey all, I'm finally going to write my very first song ever! I decided it to be a Bassoon Quartet, and probably going to have the orchestra (probably just strings) play a very light pizzicato bass line underneath it. Okay so while setting up the first two instruments, I accidentally clicked on 'english horn' instead of Bassoon. Now, instead of writing the first segment of it and finding out that it is a bad idea, start over, I thought I would get some advice from more experienced composers. My question is, would it sound nice to have 3 bassoons and an English Horn, or would it make it sound to buzzy? I know that the English Horn is closely related to the Oboe, and the Oboe sounds kinda squeaky, so I don't want to have a nice slow movement sound bad because of it. Thanks for reading, oh and wish me luck on my first piece =P -Smartyy!
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