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About WaxyD

  • Birthday 09/18/1987

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  • Location
    LA, California
  • Occupation
    Freelance Musician/Composer
  • Interests
    Composition, Jazz, Rock And Everything Inbetween

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  1. I think you'll get the full midi experience with any media player you use (quick time, windows media, vlc, media classic, etc). If you think the quality isn't great because you don't have a good enough media player, your wrong. Midi sounds like crap to begin with! Thanks for listening by the way.
  2. That was cool, I really liked it. It has a very 60's vibe going on between the guitar and drums and I really liked the synth stuff thrown in at the end. The only that bothered me were the strings about a minute into the song. The minor to major thing was a little happy for me and I felt they didn't really fit the song. I think it could work a lot better if they were a little more rhythmic and maybe have a little ornamentation. Anyway its a really cool song! What did you use to write it?
  3. Very interesting! I agree with robertn that it didn't sound very metal to me. The way the music lacked structure and a rhythmic center reminded me of something Squarepusher would write (which isn't a bad thing, I like Squarepusher). I think you made a very good use of space but I would have liked to hear more variations with your noises. Good stuff!
  4. Thanks for listening. I wrote this tune on Finale after a bit a tinkering on the piano. I only used Band In A Box to hear what it would sound like before we play it in class next week (I'm not a very good pianist). I pretty much had the whole tune planned out in my head, BIAB just helped me fine tune little parts of it.
  5. Hey everyone! Its been a while since I submitted anything new. This is an jazz piece in 6/8 but payed with an African feel emphasizing the dotted 8th note (making it feel like 4/4). I wrote this tune for a jazz composition class I'm taking and I'm still tweaking it before its due, so any comments and suggestions would be helpful. I repeated the tune twice in the midi file. The first time is with the melody and the second time is without. I also uploaded a picture of the score so you can see what it looks like. A Nice Tune For You.MID A Nice Tune For You.pdf
  6. Well in that case, I will see you on the world stage!
  7. That was great! It gave off a kind of New Orleans marching band style with the trombones soloing over each other. The bass blended very well with the drums and I could hardly tell that the drums were looped. The piano was the only thing I thought was a little repetitive. Maybe it could have been a little more sparse? Or maybe it could have started to solo with the trombones toward the end? There is no such thing as "proper jazz". Jazz was never "proper" to begin with. The term of proper jazz is only used by traditionalists who think there is a right way and a wrong way to play jazz. So I think its a good thing that this isn't a "proper jazz" piece. By the way, Robin, you are a terrific trombone player! I would love to play with you sometime (that would be hard though considering were I live).
  8. They do improvise! The program "Band In A Box" does it quit well (for a computer anyway). It has many pre-programed styles and I guess scales and note choices to select from and then plays them back in some kind of logical order over the chords you input. It still sounds like a computer playing it but its probably the best improvising a computer can give. Its a nice program to use as a practice tool. PG Music Inc. - Band-in-a-Box, PowerTracks Pro Audio, and More...
  9. Do women composers really have a harder time then men or is it that there just aren't as many woman composers out there as men. I'd be curious if that really is the case or it is due to the ratio of women composers and musicians being smaller the men. Some of my favorite composers and musicians are women but its true that most of them are men. Maybe the idea of being a composer seems more reachable to men then women I don't know. I have never really thought about.
  10. Who says classical musicians can't play jazz? That was pretty good for your first jazz composition. I pictured a solo pianist playing in a lounge listening to this. I suggest that you use different chord voicings when you play solo piano. Add more 9ths and #11s. Experiment with chords that don't sound safe and right. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, good job! Cool stuff! Was that a recording of you playing?
  11. Really liked the flow to the whole song. The instruments play well off each other and the dynamics work really well. I didn't hear too much of a big band ballad sound though. The chord progression kind of sounded like a big band tribute to the Beatles and the blues scale I heard over it sometimes just didn't work for me. Of course this could just be the midi thats given me this impression. I would really like to see the score if you could post it.
  12. Hi there. Should be pretty easy. If your keyboard has a usb port you can just use a usb cord to connect to the computer. If not, it should have midi ports. You can buy, for not very much money, a midi to usb interface to connect to your computer. Of course nothing you do will make the notes "magically appear on the page". You going to have to put in a little effort. I hope this helps!!
  13. Alright, I will give it a try. Thanks!
  14. Thanks robin. The only problem with that is that the staves stay spaced out. Would I be able to move the staves so they are closer together after I had the bottom one?
  15. I need help setting up a Finale document as a lead sheet with the first 4 bars in piano format and the rest as a single treble clef staff. Basically I want it to look like the attached picture. If someone could enlighten me as to how to do this it would be greatly appreciated.
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