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About Steven

  • Birthday 05/21/1990

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  1. Oooh, okay, now I get it. Thanks a lot!:D
  2. Okay, thanks a lot for your answer! I understand that it was impossible to retune the timpani during the piece, but I wonder why the timpani are transposed in this score: DME::NMA_KB_SYNOPSIS In other scores there is just a D written in the first measures, while in this score there is a C written (that sounds like a D I guess)
  3. Lately I've been studying Mozart's 38th Symphony (great work!). But looking at the instrumentation I have a few questions. Mozart writes 'Corno I,II in D', 'Clarino I,II in D' and 'Timpani in D-A'. First, am I correct when I say that Corno means French Horn and Clarino means Clarinet? I don't understand why he writes both of them in D? In my lessons about instrumentation I was taught that the Clarinet is in Bes and the French Horn in F, meaning that you have to transpose the Clarinet-part a major second higher and the Horn-part a perfect fifth higher. But Mozart transposes both the instruments a major second lower? Can someone please explain this to me? Further; I always thought that the timpani didn't have to be transposed. But in this score the timpani are transposed a major second lower. This means that there is a C written, but there sounds a D. I hope that you can understand me and explain it to me. Thanks in advance!
  4. I wrote another piece for an orchestra that featured one of each instrument (except for the strings). But I feel that I need more brass. One French Horn player won't work for this piece, same for the trombones. What do you think?
  5. Sorry, forgot that! The score is still a bit a mess, and the piece is still very short. Basically it's just a beginning-sketch. Here's the pdf! :D Finale 2006 - [Chaos nog meer..pdf
  6. Hi! I started working on this piece a few weeks ago, but I haven't really been progressing. I would like to develop the fast part a bit more. Any ideas to do this? Also, does the piece remind you of some piece by another composer? I'm quite sure another piece inspired me to write this piece, but I can't remember it. Would like to listen it again, perhaps I get more inspiration. :) Chaos nog meer..MID
  7. Wow, I can't say anything technical, but I had to reply since this is the first time I actually return to a piece a few times. This is absolutely lovely, though I'm not really used to this kind of music. It's really awesome, without a doubt one of the best pieces ever posted on this site IMO. Congrats! :)
  8. I've got some cd's of Ferdinando Carulli at home, and he seems to have written quite a lot music for guitar and piano. Go check it out, it's great music! :)
  9. My first try at contrapuntal writing. :) Invention for Flute and oboe.MID Invention for Flute and oboe.MUS
  10. Really nice piece, as an hobby composer you did a really good job, and I would like to thank you, because before I heard this piece I didn't know what a harmonium was. People learn new things every day, thanks to forums like these and people like you. :)
  11. Thanks all for your replies. Unfortunately I don't know anything about making the music sound as good as possible on the computer. I know about dynamics in Finale etc but I don't know how to work with sequencers and such, so I have to rely on Finale's sounds. I have GPO on my computer but to be honest, I don't really know how to use it and my computer becomes terribly slow when I try to load all the instruments in the Kontakt Player. Is my computer just too old or am I doing something wrong? I hope ofcourse that the orchestra my father plays in will perform this during one of their rehearsels, but I have to rework some sections before it's ready for performance. Did you think the piece formed a whole or did it feel like all little sections? I'm a bit worried about this because I think I developed some themes, but those themes didn't come back later, so the listener is constantly dealing with new material, without recognizing earlier themes. Did you feel like that or do you think it formes a whole as it is? Once again, thanks for taking the time to reply! :)
  12. Well, your piece is very cool, so it wasn't only luck I guess. :) You can find my piece on this site and the recording when you search for 'Completorium' on this forum. The live version is quite bad, lots of mistakes, though it went pretty good during the rehearsels. Especially the trumpet-player makes looooots of mistakes. Nonetheless, it was fun!
  13. I'm writing this while listening and I'm pleasently surprised. The beginning is very atmospheric, very much unlike a lot of your atonal work. Really nice beginning. I love it when the middle section starts, with the percussion. I can feel the stress the two captains are feeling. Overall a very nice piece that sets a great mood. Write more pieces like this. I prefer these pieces a lot over your atonal work. This piece is original while being tonal. Keep up the good work! :) EDIT: if you find the time, please take a look at my newest piece: Click Thanks :)
  14. I'm still using Finale 2006 so I can't open it. Any chance you could post a midi file?
  15. Before the world was formed there was nothing but Chaos... But before Chaos was born the world was as beautifull and peacefull like heaven. The file is scored for orchestra and took me about a week to write. I'm still making some changes to the orchestration but in general this is the piece. I hope you like it and please have as much critique as you want! Btw, the MP3 file is made with Finale's Softsynth-sounds, so don't expect a great sounding recording. If I'm lucky I might get a recording by the local orchestra, but that's not sure right now. RECORDING Partituur.MUS Score.MID
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