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About PianoGirl

  • Birthday 08/22/1992

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    My interests are in music. I definitely want to compose more and i also want to teach music. I've been teaching my 2 younger siblings and a neighbor to play piano but i want to give "professional" lessons when i'm older (for piano and flute). I also play Volleyball and my team is 6 wins and 3 losses...sniffles.

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  1. yes, it did help me, Elcon. thanks! so, i'm going to learn relative pitch better and then once i get that good, i'll think about learning perfect pitch. I don't think i'll buy from David Burge's CD's cuz they cost WAY too much. lol. thanks for the info everyone!
  2. hey guys. So it pretty much sounds like learning relative pitch would be a much better investment that learning perfect pitch? that's what i've been gathering from all of your in-depth conversations :cool: .
  3. cavatina, i've been talking to my dad and he's warned me not to put too much stock into what the quotes are. So, i'm take that into consideration. Caltech, i honestly don't think i'll have to worry about that, because i doubt i'll ever play Baroque music and i don't have a particular interest in it. And, also what about the people who have perfect pitch naturally, wouldn't Baroque music bother them? but, thanks for the warning. Tophue, why didn't you end up buying the CD's? didn't they work?
  4. so, you think i should go for it if i really want it? I also know that it's not necessary, but i think it would make music more enjoyable and overall improve my playing.
  5. But, there were quotes from people on the websites who tried it and said it worked. And, I'm not trying to make money from it, i just want to be a better musician by having a better ear. What's wrong with that? These CD's just provide a faster way for me to have a better ear. I know it won't necessarily make me the next Beethoven or Mozart, but what if i want to have a better ear so i will simply be able to play whatever songs i want to (without the music for it). What if i want to know how to hear the music i see on a piece of sheet music? I know it will help me with that, but i also know that there will always be those who are better than me and that i will not become some famous composer. I'm not going to buy the CD's so i can become famous, rich, and all that stuff. I just want to be a better musician, with greater talent, and a better ear. is that so wrong? p.s. on the fist post on this thread, i got one of the links messed up. it's www.absolutepitchpower.com not www.absolutepowerpitch.com. Just, thought i'ld letchya know.
  6. hey guys! i wasn't sure where to put this topic, but i hope you'll see it here. Haha. anyhoo, i was wondering if you guys have heard of websites like www.perfectpitch.com , www.absolutepowerpitch.com and some other ones. They both offer you CD's for x amount of money that will teach you to have perfect pitch (like being able to recongnize/name notes when somebody plays it, knowing the key signature of a song, hearing a song and knowing how to play it, knowing if a note is sharp/flat without reference, knowing a piece of music sounds just by looking at it, etc.) They say perfect pitch doesn't have to be a quality that can only be achieved by being born with it, they say that you can learn to have it. I want to buy it really bad, but first want to check with you guys if you think it's a good buy, if you've heard that it works, or if i'll just be waisting my money. lemme know and thanks...i'll be anxiously waiting your replies!
  7. hey! i really like your woodwinds piece. It was really interesting. THe only thing i have to say is that the dissonants were not my favorite thing. They popped up in the song every now and then, and well, yah, i didn't like them too much. But, the song, overall was great...no comments, other than the one above!
  8. ok, guys, i've made some changes and added on like 10 measures or something. It changes style a bit the last ten measures but, i hope it's not too drastic. Ok, Achan...i get what you're saying more now. thanks. spc1st, i don't think that my melody got lost after the first few measures, but i'm hoping that's only a matter of opinion. But, to please you i did get rid of the 16th's and changed em' to eighth notes....in the 3rd or 4th measure. o, btw, what in the world does your name mean. I'm almost scared to put of the latest version....but, here it is: Flute_Duet.MUS
  9. ummm....well, i've written three other songs...all for the piano :D. But i haven't finished entering them in the computer. Plus, all i have is notepad and it doesn't do tempo changes throughout the piece and all three of the songs change tempo througout. I'm soon hoping to get Finale Allegro and it''ll let me do tempo changes and other miscellanious things that i need for the songs that notepad doesn't let me do....so once i get that, i'll fix up the songs and post it on here! so, are you and Achan family...or was "He's a disgrace to the family" thing a joke? And, i'm curious, why do you prefer piano songs....you asked if i had any more pieces to share, "preferably piano." well, tootaloo!
  10. Ha ha! lol!
  11. HAHA and thanks! (but, they're still staying out!) Bitterduck, i changed the 16th note passage...i never really liked it but, couldn't figure out what to do with it. Even now, i'm not sure of what i've done with it, but, i think/hope it's better! :D And aobut the eighth notes that are the same, i need to slur that part and that will hopefully take care of that problem....however, when you listen to the files, you can't really tell that it's slurred....computers lack ability to slur, apparently! :happy: Thanks Derek! (p.s. i love your avatar!) Something i don't understand: wolf88 tells me i have a nice melody, but Achan tells me i need more of a melody?! lol...thanks for the tips, Wolf88.
  12. that's interesting! thanks!
  13. I don't want it to be more speedy...It's not supposed to be entertaining or like ear-catching or whatever....i'm assuming you want it to me speedier so it'll be more entertaining. What do you mean by more melody? Thanks for the harmony compliment!
  14. Ok...thanks guys! Sepharite, i'm only 13 (well, actually i'll turn 13 on the 22nd)! i don't know what you mean when you say my 2nd flute is overlapping the first one. Other than in a few spots, i kept the 2nd flute playing lower than the 1st flute. But, i did listen to those last few bars and totally agree with you about "teenage-mutant ninja turlish" thing! :D :D I used Bitterduck's idea and put in the contrasting thing (where one flute goes up and the other goes down....i hope it's much less ninja turlish than the eightnotes going down!) Ok, bitterduck. This is somewhat embarrassing, but, minor keys are confusing to me. I know what a minor chord is vs. a major chord but, i don't know what to do about a whole key. I would get confused about where to put the accidentals and stuff. (i do know however that A minor has no sharps/flats!!!) I'll keep in mind your tips about the lower register and variation. Here's a slightly updated verison: Flute_Duet.MUS
  15. Hey everyone! This is the first piece i've posted on this site and it's also my first flute duet. I just started it a couple of days ago, so it's only about 40 seconds long...so far. My purpose in creating it is to make something beautiful and relaxing. It's not necessarily supposed to get your attention. It's mostly just meant to be back-groundish like music...if that makes any sense at all. Let me know what you think of it so far, please! Oh yah! Sorry that i only have it in finale....all i have is notepad, but will soon hopefully be upgrading to allegro soon. Here it is: Flute_Duet.MUS
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