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  • Birthday 10/27/1987

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  1. I just re-orchestrated the theme with different sounds and added new transitions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjZvbYEuQMs http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=674265&songID=8416303
  2. Salam a-nerdum, we are WarTex, a young five-member Heavy Metal band from Leverkusen, Germany, and we would like to present to you our newest achievement: A self-made video clip to nerdy
  3. Aloha, Just finished another composition similar to March of the Chosen. I like to call that style of music "orchestro", a synthesis of orchestral and electro elements. QfJ describes an imaginary voyage across the solar system into the hydrogen seas of Jupiter. And YES: I wanted those trashy sounds, I love that 80
  4. Howdy, while practicing organ for sunday service I fooled around with my introitus "Kronos" and mixed it with pentatonic scales. SoundClick artist: Dustin Naegel - Neoclassical So long Dustin
  5. Hm, somehow the old link got lost. Anyway, here's a new one along with a description: SoundClick artist: Dustin Naegel - Neoclassical This composition for two three-piece timpanis, 2 taiko drums and two crash cymbals describes the final minutes of Laokoon, a Trojan priest of Apollo who was killed along with his sons by two sea serpents for having warned his people of the Trojan horse.
  6. Well met, some days ago I was crazed with the idea of turning my "Camelot Hymn" into an electro edit. I mixed the orchestral parts with techno-like pads, leads, a driving synth bass and plain drum beats. I didn't use any sampling program, every single note and every single pattern (bass/drum) has been composed originally. This shouldn't be considered as a remix, but as a stand-alone composition. I hope you’ll enjoy the “March of the Chosen” ;-) SoundClick artist: Dustin Naegel - Neoclassical Youtube: (bad quality) Dustin
  7. Hi there, I decided to make a counterpart to "Eifgen Dale at Dawn". Some days ago I went to the forest again and took some pictures of the wintry landscape. I used my piece "The King" as a soundtrack. Tell me what you think about it. Dustin Copyright © 2007 Dustin N
  8. Howdie, after a long break I tried to compose an orchestral piece. I wrote this hymn inspired by that great legend of King Arthur, his Knights of the Round Table, Camelot, Merlin and all that stuff... I tried to capture all of it - especially his castle Camelot. The hymn has the instrumentation of the late romantic era (plus the pan flute), but has a medieval (sometimes even archaic) touch to it. I even wrote the excuse of lyrics for a potential, still not existing choral movement. I would be glad to hear your opinion. :-) Dustin SoundClick artist: Dustin Naegel - Neoclassical [Copyright © 2008 Dustin N
  9. Glad you like it. :) I also recorded a version for solo piano: SoundClick artist: Dustin Naegel - Neoclassical
  10. Hi there, some days ago I walked around in the forests around my home town and made some photos. Inspired by these pictures I also composed a piece called "Eifgen Dale at Dawn". I uploaded it to youtube. You may watch it there if you want: Best regards Dustin "Eifgen Dale at Dawn" Copyright © 2008 by Dustin N
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