This is my theme for a certain character. He is a good guy, and he is the son of the "Wind God."It starts out really slow and ominous, representing his birth and his purpose. He is sad, he has entered a world of pain and suffering. About halfway through the song, his heroic theme is played in its full stringy glory. The song then speeds up, it sounds like he is "flying," then at the end he slowly comes back down to the ground.The entire song is based off of two chords, listen and you'll know what I'm talking about.This song took me a long time, so please listen to it before rating it. I've had this theme in my head for years, but this is by far its best reincarnation, so I decided to post it on Newgrounds.The exact "storyline" is unimportant, just tell me what you think of the song! If you liked it, take a listen at some of my other songs.- Ethan Revere Smith
The Son of the Wind God