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About Tariq

  • Birthday 10/18/1993

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  1. I very much so enjoyed this piece. And I love that you put the tenor on a tenor clef.lol It should work out well with any tenor with great breath support. very nicely done.
  2. Glenn idk whats wrong. I think it worked for Morivou just fine. Morivou thanks a lot for that it really helped. And I did realize that it was a little rhythmically square. I'm working on that. To me this text simply is a father praying to GOD to cover is son's life since he can no longer do that because he's going to die. And now that I look at it I think I agree with the ending chord. Although I love the dissonance, the major chord brings much more closure. Thanks A Lot. I've revised it a tid-bit and i'll post that soon.
  3. HEY everybody, this is is a piece that I wrote in dedication to my friend's father. His father passed, and he didn't really know his father. And a melody was in my head and a few lyrics and I knew what it should be about. A father who prays for his son before the father himself leaves earth. A fatehr who is not concerned about his death but rather concerned about the life of his son being a promising one. My chamber chorus teacher said that he'll work on it with the chorus. So I really wanna just get you guy's opinions about it likes and dislikes and any changes that you recommend. THANKS!!!!! I'll attach a pdf and a midi file and a mus file.:toothygrin: A Father's Prayer.MUS Finale PrintMusic 2006 - [A Father's Prayer].pdf A Father's Prayer.MID
  4. Ooooooo can i Judge!?!? please??
  5. I don't know why but for the last past couple of weeks, I've really been feeling Rachmaninoff 2nd piano concert movement 2.
  6. I actually Liked it a lot. Especially towards the end when it becomes more Broad. But i do believe that the repeat is kinda weird and i don't see the significance of repeating that WHOLE part over again. Maybe a portion of it would do. I don't have any voicing or format comments cause i don't specialize in that department.lol I just love to listen and look sometimes but it is always important that your singers are able to comprehend EVERYTHING. I had to learn that the hard way in a reading of my piece. Its cool when you see something that you did wrong and you fix it, it sucks when 10 different people in a choir pick out different things wrong with the format or voicings or text.lol But overall, very nice work.
  7. I just got the recording and i will post it very soon. But for now any more comments???? i love comments.lol
  8. And about the accents. I know they sound weird but it was intentional. Yeah it was just in my head that way.
  9. Thank you guys very much for the comments. I will take heed to every thing you all say Thanks a lot. I'll be sure to put the live recording up when it comes.
  10. Hey Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!:w00t: I haven't been on here for a while and I just can't wait to post something new.:toothygrin: This piece that I am about to post is entitled "With Open Wings" its from the stand point of a lover who dreams of flying in the sky with his love to experience new things. This piece was just accepted for the Baltimore Choral Arts Society Young Composers Project and it will be recorded, performed, and conducted by Tom Hall. There are some visual issues on the page that i need to fix. But please bear with me. I'll post a PDF file and a Finale file Thanks a lot. PLease Comment With Open Wings.MUS With Open Wings.pdf
  11. I don't understand why my quarter notes aren't lining up. An i was wondering if anyone could tell me why it's not working that would be a big help. Dreaming In Baltimore section two.MUS
  12. Thanks a lot Dr. The old man is sort of his gap between the building where he lives at and the outside world. The old man is also the way he finds out that a school will be starting there. BUt there is some cutting of things that could be done. And im still working on the in crowd thing. THanks Much. And i haven't seen evening primrose. I'm guessing i should take a look at it.
  13. oK. Well first just to mention the male singer is a tenor. Everyone keeps saying baritone.lol. Our story takes place in Baltimore. The plot (in progress) is that the main character who is the male voice in this song,( I don't have names yet) is about 15,and he's homeless. He resides in a big vacant building, to be exact, it used to be an arts school a long time ago. To his convince the old vacant arts school provides him with unlimited musical resources such as music theory,history,and reference books, instruments,and manuscript. therfor he is very skilled at music and has become a prolific composer. His one and only companion is another free spirit, and old but active man. the old man know baltimore and whats going on like the back of his hand. he also provides him with clothes and food and things he as also given him a radio for entertainment. The conflict comes in when the old man finds out that they will be fixing the building up and making an arts school out of it. the old man gives the boy places to stay but the boy thinks it over and decides that the school means alot to him and that he would stay there, move into the basement, and to learn more about music he'll try to attend the school. Many things happen, the teachers admire his intelligence, but can't find any back-up info. His peers have many different reactions to him and also want to find more about him but eventually give up. There is also a "in crowd" fo people and one leader in particular that everyone follows and he plans to be the best in the school. They run in to the min character in the hallway and all look at him weird from what they have heard but all of his attention is on one of the shy girls in the crowd. And they notice each other. After auditions for a solo in the schools big show, the leader of the "in crowd" send the shy girl into the school on the weekend to steal the list of people who made it and to change it. she doen't want to be clowned so she does it. while there, she runs into the main character. they are both very suspicious of each other . The main charcter runs away to the basement where he lives and the girl, unbeknownst to him, follows. he sings a song, she hides, he turns around and sees her. So far I have that she wants to tell everyone about his talents , but he opposes for he is proud of his talents but, ashamed of his lifestyle. There will be more to it though. -Tariq
  14. I'm writing this alone. There's much more to the story then what I described in the reply. I mean there IS an actual story line but i just described the Feelings of the characters while singing the song.
  15. The whole concept of the musical isn't fully complete yet. BUt the idea is that the two characters have found each other as "soulmates" kind of so they both keeps each other going. They both also are dreaming for something, such as a goal. BUt the problem is that the place in which they dream, "baltimore" doesn't really help them carry on those dreams, and what they see around them are dreams being lost and deffered but they refuse to give up on their dreams. Therefor they "Dare to dream where dreams are lost." Christopher_ the ending is happy but is still has that sound because it is Bittersweet. Bitter because from what they see in Baltimore, there dreams won't come to be but Sweet in the way that they always will still dream,and hope for something better. and have each other to do that
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