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About Muzic

  • Birthday 07/11/1989

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Majoring in Music Education, and Vocal Performance at CBU
  • Gender
  • Location
    In California
  • Occupation
    Music Theory Tutor
  • Interests
    I am play trumpet and sing.. I am in 4 different preforming ensembles. I love to write music also.

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Rising Star (9/15)

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  1. Lately I have been exploring the music of Arvo Part in a effort to expand my musical library. I try to have an open mind with most things but I am having a really hard time with Mr.Part. Is it just me or does it seem like he finds the most boring material he can get his hands on and then repeats it until the listener either dies of boredom or gives in to its monotonous demands. For example his Spiegel im Spiegel for violin and piano is very beautiful for the first minute or so but after seven minutes of repeating the same thing I kinda just want to die. Also some of his choral stuff is just so Blah to me. I don't know maybe I am missing something. Maybe if I understood more of the logic behind his music I would enjoy it more. I like to learn new things especially about things I don't understand so if you think I am wrong please enlighten me.
  2. All my uploads no longer work! This is really frustrating as you all can imagine. Please fix it!
  3. Here are some of the best Music Schools in America. San Francisco Conservatory University of Southern California - Thornton School of Music Oberlin Conservatory Julliard University of Indian- Jacobs School of Music Rice University- The Shepherd School of Music The Peabody Institute The New England Conservatory The Boston Conservatory Berklee college of music Musicians Institute LA The Colburn School And I am sure there are many others that are just as good. You have to be very good and work extremely hard to get into these institutions.
  4. Brahms just to get a better handle on form and chromatic harmony.
  5. Thanks for the reply! Most of the octave doublings were done intentionally for voice spacing purposes. Although there probably is a few that may be mistakes. Otherwise I am not too concerned with them. As for the form it was not my intention was not to have it in ABA AAB or any particular form. I see this piece in two halves the build up to measure 26 and the calm quieter music that follows, and each point in between is meant to express certain emotional qualities. My approach to form with this piece is much more Wagnerian in style than traditional. Thanks again for the critique!
  6. Well this is an ok piece there are some good ideas in here just keep writing. Repetition can be used affectively but just repeating the same thing over and over will tire the listener. Try changing things up a bit each time you repeat this will be more engaging for the listener. Also having less repeats would help with this piece. Your introduction section seems unbalanced compared to the rest of the piece. Try expanding the middle section where you have the melody, and shortening the intro. Keep writing your on your way!!
  7. :o Good job! This piece is great!
  8. Thanks for the bump/compliment! I'll take a second look at that oboe part and see what I can do with it.
  9. at latest I have it done by friday
  10. Yeah it just seems like it would be efficient to have a communal thread. I wanted to do something like this but I didn't want some stickler breathing down my neck about miss making inappropriate thread.
  11. Um can this be stickied
  12. Gezz the dead line is the same day I have a research paper due. I hope you don't mind if its a little late.
  13. Just wondering if anyone knows any good websites that provide IPA translations of arias or art songs? I have been searching all over and I can't seem to find any (at least any that are free).
  14. This piece is very nice. I think you successfully use repetition effectively rather that bore the listener to death it gives a sense of security and when there is slight changes its not jarring but very pleasant. Good job.
  15. Well with the rate RP's are going I think doesn't seem like something people can work toward it seems like it happens spontaneously. Having a composition featured a week will give people something to look forward to and thus making it seems more attainable. I think composer of the month is still a good ide this would be just a more frequent and is narrowed on a specific composition not a composers body of work.
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