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About QuasiAllegro

  • Birthday 08/30/1985

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  1. Even more variations on the 'Ode to Joy', this time in in F minor, B flat minor, C Major,D Flat major. B Flat Minor.MUS F Minor (March).MUS C Major (Waltz).MUS D Flat Major.MUS
  2. I can't say it's really my style - a bit too jarring and modern. But I'm sure that's what you were after?
  3. Not really. In a performance it's simplicity itself to transfer from one keyboard to another; I was just curious how it would sound.
  4. I'm in the process of writing a series of variations on 'Ode to Joy' from Beethoven's 9th in every key. Obviously it's a long process; here's 4 I've got so far. Some are arranged for organ and some for piano, just on a whim. What do all of you think? B Major.MUS G Major.MUS organ Dminor.MUS organ blfatmajor.MUS
  5. Edited and re-posted - I hope that's OK. This is an atonal piece for cello and piano. Gets a little slow in the middle, but i like the overall effect. I chose the title actually as something of a joke - I often stay in a Manhattan apartment which has a piano that probably hasn't been tuned in 30 years, rendering even the simplest melodies atonal. Beyond that it doesn't have much significance. While the criticism has been a bit harsh I will go back and try to make things more interesting. nuovoyork2-final.MUS
  6. i like it, but you don't need to go so crazy with the vocal runs (the quick up-and-down ornamentation). It kind of chops up the lyricism fo the line.
  7. Dev, the b-flat and b-natural mixup was just a typo which i've corrected. Gardener, I see what you're saying about the piano and I've tried to fix it.
  8. For voice and piano. Lyrics by Hugo von Hofmannstahl Sie trug den Becher in der Hand Ihr Kinn und Mund glich seinem Rand, So leicht und sicher war ihr Gang, Kein Tropfen aus dem Becher sprang. So leicht und fest war seine Hand: Er ritt auf einem jungen Pferde, Und mit nachl Die Beiden.pdf
  9. Yes, it's a bit 'atmosphereic'. I'll add the pdf. As mentioned, the performance wasn't nearly as dynamic as I'd hoped. Amateurs!
  10. A piece for cello and piano: My first atonal piece Click through to get to the download. I realize the performance isn't dynamite, but I think the overall strength of the piece is still apparent. nuovoyork final.pdf
  11. I read her sister's book. Poor woman! But she made some beautiful music.
  12. I'm trying to write my next piece in Baroque style. I've already got the basic melody, but I have no idea how to 'baroque it up', so to speak. I've listened to plenty of Bach and Handel, but I feel like I'm missing the crucial link which allows me to absorb them. Advice?
  13. Mendellsohn's Italian Symhpony, maybe?
  14. Are there any for violin and piano?
  15. I just wanted this particular piece because I heard it on the radio once and I haven't been able to find it ever since. PS: I'm wiritng my own variations on it, but they probably won't be ready for some time.
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