For anyone interested in spicing up their pop music with some classical elements, I highly recommend the albums listed above by Stevemc. I added a few to the list
Brian Wilson:
Pet Sounds
Smiley Smile
Wild Honey
Van Dyke Parks:
Discover America
Song Cycle
Randy Newman:
12 Songs
Sail Away
Nilsson Sings Newman
Paul Simon (!!!):
Still Crazy After All These Years
Their Goes Rhymin' Simon
One Trick Pony
Other miscellaneous recommendations...
Harper's Bizzare (simon, newman, and parks all contributed heavily to the repetoire of this band early in their careers.. great production) :
Feelin Groovy
Anything Goes
Bob Dylan:
Self Portrait (Little sadie? Come on, that progression is freakin SWEET)
The soundtrack to "Fantastic Planet" is an example of music that blended film scoring with pop music...
Hope this helps!