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Anton Bruckner

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About Anton Bruckner

  • Birthday 10/08/1997

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    I teach historical Linguistics
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  1. "Bruckner, your posts reek of naivety; a kid playing artist who doesn't understand much of anything about his craft of the development of said craft in the last 100 or so years. Your music suggests as such as well." where is ur music? too embarrassed to keep it around? LOL, and you are judging other's music? Why don't u troll somewhere else, why not begin with children's section? oh, and to return the favor. Just to show i am not someone who takes crap from anybody: You are a *BEEEEEP* I hope u r not offended by this, because I really don't mean it, really, i don't mean to be offensive at all!
  2. "happy ending", yes please!
  3. Not my cup of tea, since i am musically conservative regarding tonality. Btw, where is the solo flute? i just hear a solo violin in the scherzo.
  4. It's alright, but i find your description a little funny. "We tried to capture the life and thoughts of a patient suffering from dementia." yeah, like u know how someone who is mentally ill really feels. I suggest that you should drop all this self-aggrandizing BS, and just focus on write music for the sake of creating art. Not everything needs a reason behind it you know.
  5. @JijGaat I am perplexed, what attitudes? I don't understand, can u explain where I was "wrong"? I'll say it again, and with some justification. I don't intend to improve this piece, not because I am some "great" composer who has mastered the form. Nor am i looking down on people, thinking you guys are no help to me. No, that's not the reason. I merely want to learn, and get things right on my own. PLUS, i don't believe there are "right" or "wrong" notes. There might be "better" notes, but even that is relative. So i simply don't need people telling me what to do. What i find interesting is in people's direct response, not so much their musical analysis of my score. Art should be instantly appealing, if it's not, then it's not good enough.
  6. I don't think it is necessary or helpful to tell u anything, i always believed that music alone should be enough to convey my ideas. If u didn't like them, then you probably won't change your ideas about my piece anyways. Regardless of whether i provide u with a score, or coming up with some fancy "justification" as why i used a particualry structure or device. Again, i appreciate your input.
  7. I am interested in people's responses. If u like it, tell me why u llike it. If u don't, tell me why not. It's that simple.
  8. 1) i don't intend to improve this piece, it has been written, numbered, and that's that, i am not changing a note. 2) i didn't use a full orchestra, i merely used a string orchestra. Since i don't believe i have the skilled at writing for full orchestra at the moment. 3) thank you for your replies.
  9. A piece i wrote back in march of 2010. Work for solo cello and orchestra
  10. yeah, but the character pope is supposedly modeled after Paganini.
  11. how dare you!! Hanslick is going to rise above from the grave and write an review about your music to drive you out of the Viennese music scene.
  12. a word of advice, don't study music! Maybe do a music minor? Pick a major that you can find a job with. Like accounting, but if you don't mind being unemployed go right ahead. Don't waste the 4-8 best years of your life on music.
  13. I know, why else would someone think "more sex there is in music, the better it is". They are not getting it at all in their real life, so they try to find escape in music. How sad:sadtears:
  14. a highly educated listener would say why he/she finds it uninteresting, instead of just saying "i dont' like his works".
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