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About Nyu001

  • Birthday 01/02/1970

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    In the hell

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  1. Thanks for the suggestions. I ended buying the AKG K702 last year in the Black Friday Specials. I am very pleased by that headphone. Classic music sounds fantastic with these. The sound stage is lovable!
  2. It does not remind me to anything. I do not think you should worry. Keep composing. :phones:
  3. Nyu001


    I enjoy this (Well, what I do not enjoy of you? ;) ) This brings me memories of a lot of problems. ;) Except it has a heavier tone, sounds sexier, darker, romantic, and a bit barbaric. Congratulation on the premiere and money, and thanks for share a beautiful work.
  4. For mixing I can recommend you this book: "Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools" - Roey Izhaki http://www.amazon.com/Mixing-Audio-Concepts-Practices-Tools/dp/0240520688/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1296922835&sr=8-12
  5. Nyu001


    My comment will sound simpleton but I love how "Smooth" you make your music to sound. All the tracks are really nice. Very relaxing and enjoyable. :)
  6. I really liked the water panning, and the water felt so smooth. I would have liked the water to be a bit louder. But that is personal preference. Did you use H2O anywhere there? At 3:42+ Loved that! :D
  7. I also like the use of 7/4! I think it makes the music to feel less predictable. Like 4/4 that you feel the beats easily. The loop seem to work very well and the production is very well done. Though the choir sounded a bit low in volume for me. The piece would work very well as background music. It does not stand out, but it does not need to. :)
  8. Definitively feels "tropical". I like how relaxing the melodic lines feel. Sounds nice for relax in a resort. ;) I would recommend you to take a look to Latin rhythms, montunos, bossa nova, clave, etc. This kind of music is very rich with rhythms, and these rhythms are something very important. For your piece, I think you should slow down your percussion and give them the same relaxing mood the other instruments have. Also the percussion is panned too much to the left side. If the soundfont does not let you to centre it or pan each percussion instrument individually, you can try and export the percussion and make a mono wav format for each single instrument of your percussion. If it sounds good and not extra noise added in the wav file, then you can import them back to your sequencer for pan them freely (and add other effects too).
  9. This tune is very addictive. I would like to hear an extended version with new sections incorporated. Around 0:55 The second synth that was playing the melody, I would like it do to something more interesting in that part. At least lines of 2 or 4 notes rather than a single one. I would like to comment about the mixing but I doubt the speakers I am using right now would bring a helpful comment. Anyway, I enjoyed it.:) Edit: I would consider to centre the tom before the first theme started, or maybe, double tom? One panned to right and the other to left playing one after the other then some "Bam" of another percussion at the centre at the start of your first theme?
  10. The feather and ink are too detailed. It would work better if was simplified. The objects are telling me that you are a writer rather that a composer. Is it the image a stock one? Try to find a creative idea that makes your logo feel unique and that tells us that you are a composer or musician . A logo sends a message and identify you.
  11. The problem is that I have no idea yet where they sell these headphones around my area. I checked a website of one of the stores that is located in my area and sadly I did not find these headphones. Yeah, It sucks. :sleep:
  12. Hello everybody! I have been lately searching for quality headphones to buy. After a long research and help from someone, I ended with 2 headphones that I am interested. The AKG K702 and the Senn HD650. I don't know which one of these to get. So far I have no been able to test them to have my decision determinate. So, I am looking if anyone here have suggestions and comparison between these 2 headphones. I will be using the headphones for audio creation, so I can be able to appreciate very well my music.
  13. ^ I agree, it is hard to make an "Horrible" piece in term of disliking it and not wanting to hear it. This track actually has its fun moments. I think one important thing would be is to avoid to get the attention. But your bam and mess were entertaining. Sorry, but you failed, lol. :lol: Anyway, it was a fun listen. :P
  14. The only track that I had problem was the "Failure" I did not know where to put my attention there, lol. All the tracks are very well done, though. :)
  15. I liked the electronic sound that was panning. But I heard it too much in the left side. I would have liked a better balance in the panning from left to right. I agree about the tambourine comment. It felt too dry and loud. The ending was too dull, I think a build of tension and crescendo at the end would have helped.
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