This is my op. 4 on SibeliusMusic. I think this is my first "major" work.
Originally the 3rd movement was written first, but with a d minor ending, and with a more plain sonata-form-structure. This was in time near the writing of my op. 1, the 'cello sonata (written in completely Haydnesque style), end 2005-beginn 2006. That time this sound was strikingly new from me.
After that the first movement was written in March 2006, since that only minor changes were made (eg. repeats, coda, etc.)
The begin of the second movement was written in end April, but it was in e-flat minor. On that point the conception turned to a suite or partita with a lot of movement, but later, when I had no idea, I returned to my original conception. But then I transposed it to it's current key, c minor, because e-flat major was to away from both a minor and d minor & C major, too.
After that were the third movement reviewed, making it more complex, and adding confriming the C major ending, what was from the begining an option.
And in July, 2006 the first movement was reviewed and the second fully written.
I was thinking on the title, after that it turned to be a C major Piano Sonata, instead of a minor, despite only the last 2 or 3 periods are in C.
First I wanted to dedicate it to my friend, who is a quiet good pianist, but later I changed my mind, so no dedicating.
The first movement is in a quiet classical style, with some exciting fugatoes and harmonies. The second tends to be original, with a Vivaldi-pharaphraze as the middle section. The third is a twisted sonata form, with very strange harmonies. I think it was inspired by B