Thanks for the very kind critique Mike. It was my first serious string piece ever, so I am more than happy with your comments. I must admit that I'm normally composing normal film music, and I guess that is why I chose to end on a V-chord (keeping tension till the very end). I still like the decision, but perhaps you're right that it doesn't fit the neo-classical style as much hehe :)
I'm glad to hear that the performance doesn't sound as bad as in my head - you know, only the composer hears all the wrong notes :).
And btw, thanks for helping me out 1 week ago, when I was trying to find out what to do with the double stops (as you see, I only ended up using two, and I think that was the right choice for the piece).
I'm actually eager to hear what the "minor problems" in the score was, so I can modify it before I forget all about it hehe. What wereyou excactly thinking of?