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About Hof3

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  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ.
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    "Sweeping, cinematic Neo-Romantic music features broad orchestral textures; propulsive beats and lush, dark melodies. Wiktor's a Jekyll-Hyde personality."<br />- Lycos Music<br /><br />* Resides in Phoenix AZ.<br />* Started composing for orchestra at age 20.<br />* Previous music exposure consists of numerous band performances.<br />* Attended FCC in MD. for music composition, history and theory.<br />* Currently re-orchestrating older works created before formal musical education.<br />* All works in full score; copyright House Of Three Inc. 1996<br />* Current occupation: Cook<br /><br />The Garritan Orchestral Strings<br />Westgate Studios Woodwind Collection<br />Bigga Orchestral Brass<br />DS Soundware Orchestral Percussion Library<br />Ensoniq SQ32 Vibraphone Samples<br />TASCAM GIGASTUDIO<br />Overture 4.0 Notation Software

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  1. Hi, I completely agree with J. Lee Graham. I too started off purely on instinct and natural talent; then years later I attended school for theory and such and it opened doors that I can't even explain. To have both, raw God given talent and knowledge in your arsenal is a huge accomplishment and a lethal musical combination. I also wanted to ask you by what you meant by: "publishing your music on your website"? How is that done? And how do you get your music published on Amazon.com? Thanks... Michael
  2. More twists and turns and ups and downs and variations; to blur the piece with ambiguity. But please understand, this is just my taste and my opinion. I can hear your talent and I absolutely respect it... and your judgement call on not showing scores. Protected talent... Why did I expect it? Not sure, maybe from what I was reading in here. Respectfully, Michael
  3. Hello. Well, I have downloaded the first two movements. Not what I expected. Your talent with themes and melodies is obvious and very well done. I look forward to hearing more from you. But, from the way you use your instruments and how you orchestrate I could guess you were a piano player. This is in no way a criticism... just something I observed. B/C of the type of music I compose my ear wanted to hear more complex counterpoint and play with harmonies to keep interest. I know that this is your oldest piece so I congratulate you on a job well done. Please post more. Michael PS Feel lucky that no one has mentioned that one of the rules for this forum (Major Works) is that you MUST show a score (MIDI) with your works. Would you feel comfortable with that? I'm glad to see people posting MP3's from sound libraries. To do that alone is art. Your recording is very realistic. Again, good job. By the way, please feel free to critique my compositions on either this site or my own at www.miserymadebeautiful.com. I too use sound libraries and the Gigastudio. Would really like to hear what you have to say. Thanks.
  4. Hey! where are you guys? You give me grief on not posting a score (MIDI) file! Hello? CaltechViolist Nov 13 2005, 02:29 AM Post #2 Group: Global Moderators Posts: 424 Joined: 26-May 05 From: Pasadena, CA Additional rule: A SCORE IS REQUIRED. If you have a MP3, feel free to post it, but also post either a MIDI file or a PDF score. Some of us prefer to have the music in front of them when listening, and it helps ensure a detailed, constructive review.
  5. Hey, Not bad. The MIDI doesn't do it justice. Seems minimalist and the main theme works well.. a little haunting. Nice work with the percussion on the transitions. Keep it up.
  6. Hey, if you use anything by Gary Garritan please check out www.showprogramming.com
  7. Hey Zach, Nice piece. Really impressed by the recording and your use of instruments. Also liked the transitions... nicely done. The only thing I didn't care for, in my opinion, is the cymbal rolls. Too many for me and a little bit cliche. Please keep posting... I don't mind the DL time. Don't feel bad about posting nice MP3 files. Creating the MP3 with Gigastudio is an art form all its own. If you have time please check out my music on this web site or my own site www.miserymadebeautiful.com. I too use sound libraries with the Gigastudio. If you use anything by Gary Garritan you should check out www.showprogramming.com Michael
  8. Good Job Chris! Very dramatic with a touch of energy and motion with the marcato strings and percussion. Please keep posting those MP3's Michael
  9. Hi Chris! Thanks for the MP3 post. I enjoyed your composition. I had to laugh when you mentioned Danny Elfman. When I was in my 20s he inspired me greatly. But, fortunately, through school, time, and a lot of hard work, I have finally matured as a composer and have my own voice. Anyway, I did hear the Elfman "triplets" , I think, in the strings? You orchestrate very well. And it is a very nice sounding recording. What sound libraries and programs do you use? Please post more! If you have time, please check out my compositions on this site or on my home page; www.miserymadebeautiful.com I too submit MP3s and would like to hear your comments. Michael
  10. v e s p e r t i n e small ensemble in c minor personality a short story of the unseen at night. instrumentation 2 flute, 1 english horn, 1 b-falt clarinet, 1 bassoon, 1 contrabassoon 3 french horn in f, 1 trombone, 1 trumpet, 1 violin, 1 viola, 1 cello, bass, glock., bass drum, tambourine, triangle, & snare drum. copyright © studio III 2006 DOWNLOAD VESPERTINE
  11. Hi, wow, i was really impressed! Very nice sound. It has a very strong and powerful epic quality. Please post more... I would like to hear more. Thank you for your message about Millennium. I appreciate all your positive comments. Keep up the good work! Later.
  12. Hey, never fear. I know too well how it feels to be "shunned" for not having a MIDI file. I am downloading yours now. Please feel free to go to my website: www.miserymadebeautiful.com and download my orchestral MP3s. Would like to know what you think. Be back shortly...
  13. All I have to say is: nice job. Please keep posting.
  14. Hey, nice job. The sudden rise and falls of the piece is what I most enjoyed. Yes, it is a little Williamsish... I'm more of an Elfman fan myself. I feel William rips off some of the late romantic composers (Mahler. Holtz, etc.) Anyway, the only, maybe negative, thing I could say (in my opinion only) would be that my ear tired quickly of the repeating string section. Nice at first... a lot of tension and motion but I wanted a change from that when I listened. I too use the Tascam Gigastudio and other sample libraries. If you have time I would really like your opinion on my work. Look for Millennium and Canopy on the forum. Again, nice job and keep posting those MP3s. www.miserymadebeautiful.com
  15. Chromatic Harmony can get very complex but in short - take the Key of C Major. And now add in Augmented 6ths, Secondary Dominants, Chromatic Mediants and Submediants, etc.... For Ex. the Augmented 6th in CM would be: c , f# , a(flat), e(flat) Basically your building chords on accidentals that don't exist in the key your working in without compromising the key. You can also use Neopolitan 2nds, in Cm it would be: d , f# , b. BUT you must understand how to resolve these chords so you don't lose the listener. The Neapolitan would usually resolve to either a I or V. Hope this helps...
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