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    Leeds, UK/Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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  1. Hey, (I'm not sure if this is the best place to post, but it seemed appropriate) Ok...so I registered as a member a few months ago, and I have been MIA for about the past month or so.(sorry) But, this is mainly due to the fact that my final composition portfolio for my degree is due on sept. 1 and I've been very busy attempting to finish on time. As part of my portfolio I have to write a analytical and/or critical commentary to describe my process and research for each submission. Well, being the perfectionist that I am, I spent so much time editing my music that I've left my commentaries to the last minute. I have written most of them now, but I was hoping for some insight from other composers. I believe them to be complete rubbish and lacking a lot of quality and I really need them to not be so bad. :) I thought I would post these for a couple reasons: 1- to get your help. I realise that some of you are more advanced in music study than others, but I am really looking for feedback from people with a range of backgrounds. Sometimes the most obvious faults can be detected by someone not as educated in music as others. 2- I know some people have made requests for the compositional methods of others and I figure these may help. I have posted 3 of them (I have 9 to hand in). One is for an SATB choral piece, one for a chamber ensemble (soprano sax, bass clarinet, harp and conga drum) and the last is an orchestration for wind ensemble. I wont post the music because I want them read from an unknowing point of view. If you could tell me anything at all about what I may be missing or what I could go into more detail about, my prose and technical things or anything that sticks out. I totally would appreciate the help. (I'm studying in England so don't bother with spelling) Somehow, I'm not allowed to upload word doc. files, so I made them into pdf's. Alone_Walking_commentary.pdf Harp_Chamber___Commentary.pdf Hansel_and_Gretel.pdf
  2. Hi, I don't mean to intrude on your conversation, however; I just sang for an Evensong with my university choir at York Minster a few weeks ago. We've sung for many English churches and cathedrals and I have to say York Minster was one of my favourites. :) I have been in the Yorkshire area for almost a year now (originally Canadian) and I'm just barely understanding some of the accents now. It sure takes getting used to. I hear Ferneyhough's 'Shadowtime' was playing this past weekend in London. Anyone get a chance to see it?
  3. I actually feel as though I can't answer this poll. The question states "Is music pointless without emotion?" but, given the nature of humanity I don't believe music can exist without emotion. No matter what the music is or where you hear it there will be an emotional reaction even if it's on a sub-conscious level. For example even the muzak you hear in a shopping mall or a restaurant will affect your mood. In some cases lifting your spirits or in other cases annoying you - each causing an emotional reaction. Why is it that, in books and films which use an anti-utopian society where emotion is to be suppressed, there is a rule against reading literature or listening to music? Because they evoke emotion. That is what music does. The question of 'what is music' can then be thrown into the pool. Does the sound of a bus driving by count as music? Well, it will all still affect us. I don't feel as though music and emotion are exclusive of each other. Music will never exist without emotion.
  4. Hey, If you're looking for online resources you could simply search for text or peotry in the public domain on any search engine. (assuming you want public domain) There a couple sites I've stumbled upon before. http://www.hti.umich.edu/p/pd-modeng/ http://www.academicinfo.net/canlit.html Do you live in Canada? I only ask because most public libraries should have anthologies of canadian literature and french-canadian literature. A few specific books that may be useful (Althoug I haven't seen them, so I can't say how useful they'll be but...) Cotnam, Jacques. 1982. Poètes du Québec. Montréal: Fides. Donna Bennett and Russell Brown, editors. A New Anthology of Canadian Literature in English. Geddes, Gary, ed. 1988. 15 Canadian Poets X 2. Toronto: Oxford University Press. Anyhow, I hope that's helpful.
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