(I'm not sure if this is the best place to post, but it seemed appropriate)
Ok...so I registered as a member a few months ago, and I have been MIA for about the past month or so.(sorry) But, this is mainly due to the fact that my final composition portfolio for my degree is due on sept. 1 and I've been very busy attempting to finish on time.
As part of my portfolio I have to write a analytical and/or critical commentary to describe my process and research for each submission. Well, being the perfectionist that I am, I spent so much time editing my music that I've left my commentaries to the last minute. I have written most of them now, but I was hoping for some insight from other composers. I believe them to be complete rubbish and lacking a lot of quality and I really need them to not be so bad. :)
I thought I would post these for a couple reasons:
1- to get your help. I realise that some of you are more advanced in music study than others, but I am really looking for feedback from people with a range of backgrounds. Sometimes the most obvious faults can be detected by someone not as educated in music as others.
2- I know some people have made requests for the compositional methods of others and I figure these may help.
I have posted 3 of them (I have 9 to hand in). One is for an SATB choral piece, one for a chamber ensemble (soprano sax, bass clarinet, harp and conga drum) and the last is an orchestration for wind ensemble. I wont post the music because I want them read from an unknowing point of view. If you could tell me anything at all about what I may be missing or what I could go into more detail about, my prose and technical things or anything that sticks out. I totally would appreciate the help.
(I'm studying in England so don't bother with spelling)
Somehow, I'm not allowed to upload word doc. files, so I made them into pdf's.