I am German, so please excuse my bad English.
I composed this peace in January to March 2007 for a concert of my school. It was my first chamber music attempt in such a big instrumentation. The ensemble consists of girls from the age of 13 to 19 years. It was the first time they play together in that ensemble. Only on the piano plays my music teacher.
The peace is constructed on connecting and expanding different musical ideas. Partly there are build in fragments of my youngest compositional development phases. These fragments differ themselves in many respects.
The piano accompaniment in the first alto recorder solo for example is extracted from one of my first compositional ideas ever (a few years old). Surely I also had a lot of new ideas.
To connect these fragments seamless I touched many different keys and there exist exotic meters and extreme tempo fluctuations.
These facts and the untypical way of composing effected a long time of rehearse. I think the pupils performed it very good.
My composition contains the following meters: 7/4, 4/4, 3/4, 5/4, 2/4 and 13/8 (!)
Here is the live performance of my first Invention (I’m sorry for the bad sound quality):
Erste Invention
If this link doesn't work, download the composition here:
Erste Invention (download)
The full instrumentation is:
2 flutes
1 alto recorder
1 sopranino recorder
1 piano
4 violins
1 viola
2 violoncelli
1 contrabass
time: around 7 minutes
Thomas Reifner - Erste Invention Querformat.pdf