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  1. Thanks, I'm glad you like the piece!:D What's wrong with bar 20? (I think it was ok, except the first note should be longer, it's definitly too short) I'm going to leave the ending like it is. I don't think it's necessary to make it more exciting after hearing the performance.
  2. Yesterday I got the recording of the concert where my quartet has been played. We only got 15 minutes to rehearse the piece, so they played a lot of mistakes(!), and the tempo is sometimes strange. I would have played it different sometimes, for example the bowing in the second theme. But things like the beginning are played good I think. It was a very nice experience. Click here to download the recording. Let me know what you think!
  3. It is going to be performed (I already said that in post #12) next saturday (4th oktober). I'll try to solve those parallels somehow and change the ending.
  4. Thanks The competition that I mentioned is the project where it is going to be played by professional musicians, so actually it's not a competition, though there was a selection (only 10 people were selected). It was more convenient to say 'competition'. In measure 7-8 the parallel 5ths are almost every time with diminished 5ths. (except 1 time, there is a pure parallel 5th) Is this just as wrong? But I'll try to do something about it. It's a good idea to incorporate the middle section in the ending. I wasn't quite pleased with the ending anyway. I'm not sure if I will be able to do all this before it gets performed. (the repetition takes place this wednesday) After I wrote the first theme I noticed it was somewhat stolen from Mozart's Requiem, but it was definitly not on purpose. :)
  5. The string quartet has been selected for the project to be played by professional musicians. :toothygrin: The 4th of oktober it will be played and recorded, I'll post the recording when I get it. I'm anxious to know how it sounds for real!:) I should analyse more music to learn more about form and texture etc. I have read Schoenberg's Fundamentals of musical composition, so know the basics more or less, but there's a gigantic difference between knowing and applying it. Like you said, you can learn much more from analysing yourself than reading books.
  6. It's a nice piece. There are pretty harmonies in there. The beginning and the ending were a bit too "poppy" in my eyes. I liked the middle part a lot more. I thought there was too little "melody" to hold on to, but he harmony and instrumentation more or less make up for it. I wouldn't try to change it in this piece, but I would try to give your next pieces some more melody.
  7. The dissonances were al intended. There were also people who were very fond of the dissonances. I guess this depends a lot on taste. I won't know for sure that it sounds good untill I hear it for real. I'm going to make the work longer, but for the "competition" only 4 minutes were allowed, so other movements are yet to come. I'll take a listen to your string quartet tonight or tommorow (I have to go to school now...) Thanks for the comments!
  8. Thanks for your comments. I'm aware of a couple of parallel 5th's. But somehow they are a little bit justified by the voice leading, I think. (that doesn't mean the are "good", but it gives the reason why they are there) The changes I would need to make in order to fix them are quite big (I think), so I'm scared to change it. (m. 7-8 and 25-28) I have posted a new version with less parallel 5th's and 8ves. (only 7-8 and 25-28, has stayed, I guess) Especially the modification in m. 9 sounds weird to me, but I have heard the previous version a 1000 times so probably it's just me. Are there other parallel 5th's or 8ves? What do you mean exactly with "the first page is still promising"? (I probably don't get it because English isn't my native language) string quartet in g less parallel 5-8.sib string quartet in g less parallel 5-8 (sib 2).sib string quartet in g less parallel 5-8.pdf string quartet in g less parallel 5-8.mid
  9. Thanks for your comments :-) I'm happy to hear you like it. I have changed the pdf score, I had oploaded the wrong string quartet by mistake. Do you mean m. 30 with the middle part? (now you can see the right score on pdf)
  10. Hello, It has been ages since the last time I have posted something on youngcomposers, I'm glad to be back :) I wrote this string quartet for a sort of competition. There isn't much to be said about it I think. There were no requirements for the piece, it's form an style were completely free. (it only had to be less than 4 minutes) It's more or less a sonata form: theme1-transition-theme 2 - elaboration - theme 1 I have put a lot of work in it! It could definitly use improvement I think. But have no idea how and where to begin. I would very much like your opinions about it!!! Thanks, Lester string quartet in g.mid string quartet in g.sib string quartet in g (sib 2).sib String quartet in g.pdf
  11. This is a waltz I wrote yesterday and today. There are two themes. What should I do next? I was thinking of using the sonataform. I'm not satisfied with the last measures, and I don't know how to solve it. (it's NOT the end of the piece, it's just the end of this part, should it be more conclusive?) Please tell me what you think! 23-08-07 pianostuk9.pdf 23-08-07 pianostuk9.mid 23-08-07 pianostuk9.sib
  12. Thanks! Suspension, I'll try to remember it :) I'm more for romantic music, early and late. So let's say from Beethoven till Rachmaninoff. I can really enjoy classical music and baroque as well. But I like modern classical music less... Maybe I should listen to it more, because when you don't like something you don't tend to listen to it often. I'll try and find your favorite string quartets and listen to them :)
  13. I find it quite nice... I don't like the instruments, but that's just taste. I'll try to igore them. I. Sometimes you have really nice harmonies! but sometimes the harmony is a bit weird. (I'm talking about the sweet parts, so I don't mean the rythmic dissonants) It's only sometimes so you don't have to worry too much. At 10 seconds there is something very parallel that disturbs me. The second is funny :musicwhistle: I like this one more than the first! I think it's also more fun to play. Good! Hmm, I don't like the third... Especially the beginning. The beginning sounds like an anoying game boy game. Sorry to say that. (It could be the midi for a large part of couse) I'm not a fan of the rest of the third one either. The atmosphere is like a much too warm summerday... But the first two were good! (especially the second!!!)
  14. Thanks :musicwhistle: Why isn't it your cup of tea? I searched if you have posted some of your works, but I couldn't find anything. It would be nice to extend my spirit by listening to people's music who don't agree with me, and try to understand how you listen/think. That's what I like so much about this site... Every person notices and likes different things. And you can learn alot from that.
  15. I tried to hit print, and I could save it as pdf, so I already had one:P Here it is... string quartet.pdf
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