Hello, composers. Lately, (the last three months or so) I've been having a lot of problems. I can write melodies, but I always end up hating them; as I mentioned in another thread, to me they always sound dumb or baroque. So, rather than trying to change that, I want to embrace that as my style and work with it with confidence.
However, I don't know how to do that. I'm not so much worried about writing technically difficult music, or music that pushes boundaries on how we think of music; I want to write beautiful music that conveys emotion, drama. But I really feel that until I accept my sound as a composer I won't be able to do that.
Basically, how do you, as a composer, accept the sound and stay true to how you write music without regard to what others think? "Oh, this sounds dated; this era is over; I've heard this before; this is too easy." Any help? Thank you all so very much.