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Alonso Martin

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About Alonso Martin

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  1. Is it me, or is reading whatever Luzideus (deus? pfft) writes is like listening to a butchered version of Hannibal Lecter, with contradictions sometimes word after word?
  2. Well, in my humble opinion, either this "music" is something really unpleasant to listen to, or maybe I'm too stupid to recognize a genius.
  3. I've uploaded other pieces and have been terribly critisized because I don't seem to follow any rules. I'm happy that way, you see. Let me be mediocre. On the other hand, I'm not truly a musician; I compose for fun and for computer games. In this case, these two piece are used in-game (The HEART FORTH, ALICIA Website. They much rather try to create atmosphere than establish a neo-baroque-classic set of rules and conditions, so please don't judge them in that aspect. Or do. Regardless, I know they're probably not the best you've heard, but I'd still like to know what you think about them. I think I uploaded the ballad sometime before, but it was not entirely finished. The fugue thing: To briefly explain, all the dissonance is purposeful, along with the apparent "distime" of the themes. I copied a theme from a Bach Fugue (I think it's BWV 542 or 543) and tried several things out. If it strikes the ear at the beginning, it won't get better, sorry X). It's also impossible to play, as the harpsichord alone has like 7 voices at once. I might make a revision of this one, as I'm not totally satisfied. http://www.alonso-martin.com/music/dos.mp3 The ballad: It's just an introduction for a game. It's supposed to be contrapunctal in the sense that the villagers are being slaughtered in slow motion as this plays in the background. http://www.alonso-martin.com/music/Intro3.mp3 PS. I don't know why the URL is changed to "THE HEART FORTH... etc." Sorry about that. Thanks in advance for listening to my work.
  4. I've been experimenting with themes, trying to mimic something along the lines of Bach's Kunst der Fuge, and I came up with this. It took me around 4 hours to compose, and I'm not really certain of having followed any rules. I think it sounds okay, though, so please tell me what you think! I suppose you could consider this a finished product, too <=) Fugato en Re By the way, I'm not even sure if it's in Re (in Mexico we use the Do, re, mi, fa, etc system), but Sibellius says so. Thanks in advance for listening!
  5. Thanks! By two days, I didn't mean like 30 min segments; I actually spent around 3 to 5 hours per day =) Thanks again.
  6. I did this in about two days. Apart from giving it to a dance teacher in my school so that she can choreograph a dance (she's a beautiful person), I'm also using it on a computer game I'm doing. Doubtedly, the theme will sound familiar; I posted another version of the song about 2, 3 months ago. Please tell me what you think =). http://www.alonso-martin.com/music/Contine...One%20Intro.mp3
  7. Thanks =) I'll try doing another one, instead. I got bored of this one already X).
  8. No replies? At least, an "it sucks" would be ok. =/
  9. I just did this, and thus it might not be a good time for me to show it. I still, wanted to get feedback, though. It took me around 3, 4 hours to do. I was planning on making it longer, but I got bored! =( I realize I don't follow the rules of the fugue (I don't start with a main theme, nor do I go up a 4th -if it is a 4th- after it is done). I haven't taken any composition classes, although I've been playing the piano for ages. You'll obviously note mostly Bach influence <=). Any comments appreciated, by the way =) Apart from the attached file, there are other instrument versions in Here. fugue5.mid
  10. Hey Zack =) It's been long since the last time we spoke! I really love this piece--although it reminds me more of an impedible nightfall. I've always admired your work; keep on posting more =)
  11. Thanks for the reply. Yes, it was a study. I didn't expect a masterpiece to come out of it. I actually don't expect one to come out of me. And, certainly, not in 45 minutes =). I'll try to create another one which is longer and with more variation. By the way, if it isn't too much trouble, could you also tell me what kind of piece this is? I'm doing it for my game, but I think it's just a bunch of notes alltogether; sometimes it looks like a fugue, at others like a sonata, perhaps, of some sort, etc. This one has way more modulation than the one I uploaded. It's unfinished and I posted an earlier version in the forums, too. continent_one2.mid
  12. This is the first try I've given to create an Etude. It's very monotonous and everything, but I barely had 45 minutes to finish it. Yesterday I fixed a few things, but this could be considered a final version. I actually have no idea if it follows the rules, or if it goes against all. I'd appreciate if someone could briefly explain them to me =) Thanks in advance for any replies =) etude1.mid
  13. Thanks =) It'll be a single-player RPG, actually. After studying bach for over 8 years, I've come to realize that he uses dissonances -alot of them. Take Aria, for example (Air). He uses them to create tension that is released at the end of each phrase. Or Kunst der Fuge, the Goldberg Variations, etc. I'm not comparing myself to Bach, obviously, but just exemplifying that using dissonances is not always a bad thing. But in regard to this particular piece, I might be wrong. Edit: I'll post the finished song once I, uh, finish it. I didn't know getting a reply here was valued as gold, so thanks for those two ^^
  14. Well, to introduce myself, I've been developing software for 10 years or so. I pretty much do everything by myself- the graphics, code, story, sounds; and now music. I am a musician, but I'd never tried composing anything for a game. I find it hard, actually, because it's hard to do something suitable for each scene. Let that alone, I'm not as good composing as opposed to interpreting. Nevertheless, I wrote this last night and wanted to see if I could get any sort of feedback. The song is not done, actually. It's missing like 70%, which I plan to add later today and tomorrow. In any case, here's the mid: Click Here Also, here's the URL for the game, if you want to take a look at it. It's an RPG with very few innovative features, but it's still nice to look at. It's still in the developing process: Continent One Thanks ^^
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