We are pleased to announce a call for scores for the 2nd Annual Areon Flutes International Composition Competition. Winners will receive cash prizes and a performance of their work by Areon Flutes. Winning scores will also be distributed through Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company. Cash prizes will be awarded in two different categories covering all age groups. All scores for this years competition are for flute duet. Please see complete information and rules at www.areonflutes.com. Postmark deadline for scores is February 11th, 2008.
Areon Flutes, comprised of flutists Jill Heinke, Kassey LeBow, Tamara Maddaford and Amelia Vitarelli, has established itself as one of the premiere chamber groups in California. Created in 2005, Areon Flutes is the first expandable chamber music ensemble featuring innovative programming for duos, trios and quartets. Areon's mission aims to give flute chamber music an equal voice in the chamber music world, therefore leaving a new and diversified chamber music legacy for the next generation. The Composition Competition is designed to add outstanding new repertoire to the Flute Chamber Music World.
Any questions may be directed to tamara@areonflutes.com.
Thank you so much for your support of this competition. We look forward to receiving your application and score!
Tamara Maddaford
Areon Flutes, Inc.
Competition Coordinator
2008 International Composition Competition.pdf