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About spacecowgoesmoo

  • Birthday 04/23/1988

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  1. I'm planning to use a free synth, (KVR: LinPlug Free Alpha - Virtual Instrument) Freealpha ,for a project that will hopefully make money. I think I've heard that you can't use demo synths for profit, but this one kinda blurs the line. It has a separate demo for the paid version, which has the usual: time limit, noise, all presets. The one I'm using has different limitations, like less presets and some of the ...um..knobs :toothygrin: are disabled, but it's explicitly named FREEalpha, so am I in the clear?
  2. Hmm..maybe if you try getting it through iTunes? I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot, I don't actually have an iphone :) Anyway, yea, all the mixing, etc. was done myself. Thanks for the comments, it's a bit late to change anything but I'd like to know how I can improve for our next game.
  3. ZOMBIE THREAD! >.> <.< Sorry for reviving this but the game has finally been released, wooo! Anyone with an iPhone or iPod Touch, it's FREE! http://appshopper.com/link/trace
  4. I'm pretty sure MIDI format 1 is the multi-channel one you're talking about. GPO will probably import weirdly from your Noteworthy MIDI, since from my experience with it (in Logic 8, might be different in Finale), GPO interprets Sustain and Modulation differently than normal. Sustain (on non-sustain instruments) = Legato Trigger, Mod. and Note Volume = Intensity / Attack Strength. Sustain works as normal on realistically sustainable instruments, like Piano. Track Volume and Expression should transfer over fine, I think. The different interpretation of Note Volume especially messed up a lot of old MIDI's for me, so look out for that :P
  5. Haha, these are the shortest movements I've ever seen :P First thing I'm noticing, at Divine 2, is that you should experiment with more than one instrument at a time. I don't think this would be a stretch at all, since you've got multiple lines going already. Good job, BTW, on the titles and the....vivid descriptions of them, I'm still kinda afraid of that myself; yours' are really cool sounding. OK, Hope now...Yea, this is all good stuff, but it's really underorchestrated, I can totally picture #2 here in a RPG or something, if it was fuller. Hm, yea, not much say otherwise, it's all pretty well done. Places..#1 really got my attention with the bass line, maybe a bit loud but I like it. And a oboe, awesome! #2, I can see definite progress now, this would go great in a game IMO as is if you used better sounds in it. #3, Kakariko Village, Ocarina of Time? :) Wait, maybe it's Lon Lon..I don't remember XD Good song, though. And #4..I think the bass line sounds a bit repetitive here, maybe mix up the patterns a bit..Great job overall, especially cool to see it grow over these 3 pieces.
  6. Isn't GPO only 1 DVD? Mine was, and I bought it like a month ago.
  7. Thanks everyone, really good advice!
  8. I have a few orchestral pieces that I'm planning to use for college auditions; I'd be transferring in as a junior. What I'm worried about is that I composed them without any thought to chords, harmony, or anything more theoretical than 'OK, I think I'm in e minor'. They're pretty much all done by ear in Logic, and I'm very happy with them, but am I going to lose points for not displaying knowledge of the 'rules' in my submissions? ...Or should I just say that it's modern music? :D
  9. I liked the original title... :)
  10. Trace is a casual platformer where you draw your own path through the levels. Use the touch screen to draw platforms and navigate past obstacles to reach to goal at the end of each level. The game is easy to pick up and play anytime, and high scores add another level of challenge. My brother is a game programmer, and thought it'd be fun to make a good, free iPhone game and annoy all of the paid apps. It should be released in a few days, maybe Monday if Apple doesn't work on weekends..anyway. I got to do the OST! I also made a website for myself; Trace is at the bottom of the page. And anyone with an iPhone, the game is free, so check that out as well when it's out! Songs Here : Space Cow Music TRAILER! Songs - Trace (Title Screen / Main theme) Paint Water Plant (6 worlds) Chalk Flame Space
  11. OMG..this is awesome! XD I love the title, I keep imagining lyrics to it based on this and am getting.... well, interesting results..Hell, I think I'll actually keep this one in my library! Never know when you need a :D
  12. Zombie thread! :D Definitely sounds like a comedy scene, but also sounds like a pretty serious game/movie beneath that. I have no bassoon knowledge, so I dunno about playability :P There's not much melody here, maybe that clarinet pitch bend at :12 should be quieter. Actually, that would be kinda hard to play as well :) Not impossible at all, I just can't do it myself yet XD Hm..that organ stinger near :02 is rhythmically off a bit..Good piece, it still sounds pretty good on a GM MIDI!
  13. I like the neverending post :) *play* The piano sounds...different, like it is EQ'd differently or something. Brighten it up. I do like the line it's playing a lot. Until it passes it to the strings for a bit where it has the fast arpeggio pattern anyway:P The B section is cool as well...(past halfway now) OK again with the piano, but I LOVE that one melody, DCD, EDE, FEF, whatever it is, that 3 note bit that repeats. Actually, the strings need some EQ as well. Hm..its over. I think this could have had a really awesome climax too, but maybe that's not the story you're telling here. One more time through, this is pretty good! ..... I see, that piano bit reminds me of FFsomething, I think. A piece of a melody, maybe? Yea. Still love it tho. I can see more that this is BG music now, with the smallish instrumentation and passive writing style.. Ok, this is a real nice piece! You're a helluva DM for doing this as well, but I'd remaster it if it was to be a commercial thing. Also, could you check out my post here on the VGM boards (#5 or something), just the one really good song I mention there. I hate to run around asking ppl, but my threads have a nasty tendency to die unanswered :/
  14. http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/complete-8-bit-dungeon-hack-soundtrack-15502.html My last project, a (not so authentic, it turns out) 8-bit dungeon hack soundtrack. Came out alright, I guess. Couple really good ones, IMO. So I got bored and decided to redo it with real instrument samples :P MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (Whole thing, 9 tracks, 2 mini motif things) Most of these are largely similar to the original, some are changed up a bit (especially Floor 6! Still needs a full jazz combo tho, the poor piano guy's all alone :P). I am posting this a bit early, as I want some feedback on this while they're still in progress. Haven't done End Credits yet either, still need more practice to make it live up to my aspirations :sadtears:. Specifically, check out 'Opening' (I hate titles, RAWR!!), I went insane with that one, it's an FAR better piece than the original was, even ignoring the change in instrument quality levels. :toothygrin: I'll put if as a seperate solo download for those not as interested, but I think this one is my best song yet and I would really appreciate some advice on it, far more than the rest of them. (Also, would this one be good for college admission, as a junior year transfer student?) It's the most 'beta' song here, so it's not really balanced yet, FYI. Logic doesn't have much plain vox selection, oddly enough... Openin 23 - Putfile.com (Opening only, the best one...WTF is 23? I didn't write that..)
  15. OK, this's really cool, my first post here had the EXACT same title as yours, even with the !, it's down in incidental page 12 or 13 now :D The middle section is really nice..I wish you had developed the piece more, around that part specifically. It would be a good song intro; maybe loop it at the end and bring in a solo melody line for a few minutes. Something like vocal style orchestral maybe...a great start in composition tho!
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