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About Pukino777

  • Birthday 10/02/1980

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  • Biography
    Beethoven admiror
  • Location
    planet Earth, Milky Way
  • Interests
    destroying the piano

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  1. Sheet music: http://www.box.com/s/2b41256895d2eea99b38
  2. Thanks Ian and Siwi! I uploaded the score today. P.
  3. do you like a storm? I like it much, this piece mirrors the storminess as I feel it. I hope you will like it, its difficult to perform, but I didnt want to make compromises as also a storm make no Its in g-minor, over 3 minutes. Score will follow.Greetings P. STORM - virtuosic piano solo
  4. Happy new year to all!I am posting a rondo for Cello and piano in B-flat-Major, its about 5 minutes long, I hope, you will like it.Nice GreetingsP. Rondo for Cello and Piano B-flat-Major
  5. Thank you Dule for the hint, whats wrong with the site? I uploaded both and today there nothing? I post external links, the admins can delete them after fixing the problem here, I hope its ok for now. SCORE AS PDF http://www.4shared.com/document/qebLazRj/Symphony_Nr1_3rd_mov_ANDANTE.html STACCATO AND MARCATO VERSION MP3 http://www.4shared.com/audio/zF6M0DSw/Scherzo_from_Symphony_Nr1_bowe.html PIZZICATO VERSION http://www.4shared.com/audio/TSF36MaO/Scherzo_from_Symphony_Nr1_pizz.html Greetings P.
  6. Here is the 3rd movement from my 1st symphony, scored for strings section, I hope you like it,I loaded two versions, bowed (staccato and marcato) and pizzicato version, which one like you more?Nice greetings!P. Symphony in g, 3rd movement
  7. Thanks! I dont listen to Back Street Boys, but I am glad you like it.
  8. Thank you, I like atmospheric pieces.
  9. Thanks TheWannabeChopin! Firstly it was concerned for orchestra, I made a piano version of it, thats why there are "unpianistic" parts. Later I want to improve the orchestral version and post it. Monika is my loved wife!
  10. Thank you Gretchen!
  11. Thanks! Unfortunately the button "edit movements" still doesnt work, so I cannot upload the 1st and the 3rd movement to this.
  12. Update; Missing score has been re-uploaded.
  13. Thank you Serge and Oli! Yes I composed also the piece "RAIN". I am glad you liked this piece also.
  14. Thank you Silva! You can also listen to it at X-mass if you like it :rolleyes: but it has more romantic mood. If you liked this, you might like also the next piece "For Monika II" I uploaded today. PS: I re-uploaded the score since it was missing.
  15. Thank you Peter_W! Of course the time signature returns mainly to 6/8 and not 3/4 :facepalm: The easy parts should contrast to the difficult ones, so the intention.
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