Sure! This was what i found, feel free to correct if you spot any disrepancies;
I went on to google, and I found this page offering the texts of what I heard on the Kronungsmesse:
Mass: Text
The Mass has sections that are categorized into two parts, the Proper and the Ordinary. The composed Mass often concerns itself more with the ordinary hymns, although plainchant exists for both parts of the Mass.
The five ordinary hymns are:
The Kyrie
Kyrie, short for Kyrie Eleison, is a plea for mercy. It literally means "Lord, have mercy". Set in greek, it is usually written in great melisma due to the short nature of the text.
The Gloria
Short for Gloria in excelsis, it is a celebratory hymn praising God and Christ;
The Credo
One of the longest parts of the mass, it is set on the nicene creed, which is substantially longer than the Apostle's creed, as it contains specific rebuttals against the heresy of Arianism during when it was formulated;
The Sanctus
A doxology proclaiming the holiness of the Holy trinity
The Agnus Dei
A setting of the "Lamb of God" litany
The exact text for these five ordinary hymns can be found in the link given above;
Please feel free to correct or add on to my findings. Cheers:thumbsup: