This is my first *real* piano piece, and the first piece I've put up on here for a WHILE. Its short, but its the length I want it to be at this point. I'd like some opinions please.
Dynamic markings and crescendos/decrescendos seem to be a little messed in the .mus file, and .mid file. It doesn't like me. :/
For the record, it HATE .jgp files. But my .png ones were to big. :(
I made this on Finale Notepad, so in order to change keys. I had to use accidentals. For more information, it starts in C, then goes to F for the rest of the song for the most part.
Uploaded is 3 images files of the 3 pages of the song (_1,_2, and _3), midi file, and finale (notepad) 2008 file [sorry].
I was trying for a goodbye, I'll see you again kind of thing, not sure how well THAT came out but, I like the song anyway. :D
EDIT: Updated files