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  1. Two memorable songs for me are: Always on my Mind - Kingdom Hearts http://www.midishrine.com/kaffeblo/psx/Kin..._On_My_Mind.mid Song of Memory - Final Fantasy IX http://www.midishrine.com/kaffeblo/psx/Fin...g_of_Memory.mid I'll post some more soon....
  2. Very beautiful indeed! I'm familiar with "To Zanarkand". It's one of the greatest Piano Solos by Nobuo Uematsu and your remix would fit right into the game with no problem (since there are some remixes of To Zanarkand theme in the game). Good Job, it's a pity it isn't downloadable... would love to have it on my Playlist. BTW, I'll check your other songs from your soundclick webpage.
  3. The only one I can think of is Anvil Studio: http://www.anvilstudio.com/
  4. Found the webcast! mms://rdp.oninet.pt/antena2 If you can't enter the site try this one: http://www.rtp.pt/wportal/multimedia/audio/index.php and in "Escolha o canal e ouça a emissão online" choose "Antena 2"
  5. Well I'm lucky I live in Portugal, so I'd be able to hear it by "normal" means.... So what's the radio name/ frequency. I'm afraid that few radio stations have international webcasts here in Portugal...
  6. Agnor

    Improving Midi

    I would recomend Synthfont: http://www.synthfont.com/ It's a free software that converts midi to wav with the use of soundfonts. For good free soundfonts check: SGM-180 ( http://www.geocities.jp/shansoundfont/soundfont.html ) <- a complete GM package GPO Concert Steinway Piano ( ftp://sf2midi.com/sgm128/GPO_Concert_Steinway_Piano.zip ) Soundfonts by Güray Dere ( http://www.guraydere.com/soundfonts/ ) And you can search in http://www.hammersound.com and http://www.sf2midi.com/ (Fluid, Cadenza, Cadenza Strings, ....) And I'd also recommend you a reverb utility to use with Synthfont: http://www.dasample.com/index.php?show=glaceverb
  7. it depends on the version you are using, but with Finale 2006 it's: Select the Articulation Tool. Then double-click the chord you want to use. A menu will appear. Just select the chord roll symbol. A picture to explain it better here:
  8. The theme is great. Nice orchestration and melody, perfect for a movie or game. Nice use of the samples too! I'm quite interested in knowing what kind of soundfonts (or samples) you used in percussion. I'm looking for exactly the ones you used. :laugh:
  9. Just to say that an MP3 version is out at Soundclick.com (thanks tweak187). Well, the only difference is the quality of the piano sound (more soft) but to finale users it will be the same :laugh: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=463298
  10. OFF-TOPIC: Well, I was also startled about your knowledge of English. I'm Portuguese (like M_is_D) and I think portuguese people can learn foreign languages very well, with less effort. That is quite noticeable in pronunciation. As the Portuguese language is very difficult and is very wide we can understand some languages very well (for instance, I can understand Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French well and I can understand a bit of Italian and Japanese). I think I speak almost fluently (well... some gramatical errors and misuse of words....) and I'm on level 7 for English at school (with 20/20 marks) but I achieved this knowledge, about level 5 (when I was 14). Seeing you with 12 and at that level (the same or even better than me) is almost terrifying :)
  11. Thanks for the comments. First of all it wasn't a recorded variaton. Heck, I don't even have a MIDI recorder. I used only Point-and-Click, but I agree with you. In first place I had 2 melodies that were similar the one that begins the song and the one at the middle (1:09). Then I kind of improvised something to connect them. It didn't turn out bad in some parts, but I agree that other parts are quite unconvincing . Like I said in another post, I don't really have a problem in writing melodies but I do have a serious problem with harmonics and accompaniment. I'm now studying chord progressions and several piano works to see what fits best in what kind of situation. Guess you spotted my weak points :) Thanks for the comments and the website :D
  12. Well I guess you were right... It sounds completely different on finale... I should have guessed... any orchestral work should be in a mp3 instead of a midi so we can experience the same music as the composer. Well the first part looked really well (not boring anymore) and the final part was at the same level, but I still don't like the middle. I think that's because the repetitive strings.... But good work. You should really put the song into an mp3. MIDI alone won't sound good... The "end" is not quite a end. You should finish it more calmly instead of an abrupt way.
  13. Well it's not bad for a first composition, but the first part of it was quite boring and I thought it was a bit random at times. When you enter with the violin I thought things would change, and they changed. It got less boring but it got even more random and the strings accompaniment is a bit exaggerated in my opinion. However from 1:28 I liked how the music sounded (even if it continues a bit random, it isn't boring). It's a good start so don't give up!
  14. Thanks for the comments (I only noticed now, sorry :blink: ) I've made a second version of the song, few days after the first version. The only changes are some "chord rolls" at the end (to embellish the music) and some minor fixes. However I didn't changed the 20-30 measures chords, but I think you're right. Maybe tomorrow I'll post the definitive version of the song :blink: Here is the second version, slightly improved (MIDI + MUS). Joao_Portela_aka_Agnor___I__ll_return_for_you.MID I__ll_return_for_you.MUS
  15. Portuguese from Portugal :blink:
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