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About Chaski

  • Birthday 06/12/1992

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  • Biography
    With influence from Einaudi, John Barry & John Williams, I try to write music in a minimalist genre.
  • Location
    England, UK
  • Occupation
    Student, Writer
  • Interests
    Music, Composition, Studio Recording & Cricket

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  1. Thanks for the quick respond! I agree with you with having say, Sibelius Mobile or something along those lines. Just to write idea's down, that could then sync back to your Mac/PC. The iPhone can be very useful as a remote, and now with more applications allowing remote desktop views, there's even more control over a computer.
  2. Hi all, I have a question for anyone who wishes to answer. Do you have an iPhone, or similar device capable of installing applications, specifically musical based? Such as BeatMaker, Ocarina or Band for the iPhone. If yes, have you ever, and would you use them in any of your compositions? I realize they may not suit your preferred style of writing, but especially Ocarina generates a very nice sound, similar to a flute. Can you see works being written for such devices and/or software?
  3. I wonder if he meant it that literally...
  4. Hey, If its strong vocals with powerful projection, then yeah you're probably needing something with a little more power :) The one you've been looking at is quite a good mic And yes, we do have a studio in my school, we have an amazing music/music tech dept.
  5. Maryland! The cookie! They're sooooooo nice :w00t: Went to Maryland for a two week holiday (vacation). Great place!
  6. What do you want to use the mic for? Instrumental recording or vocal? If you're going for mainly instrumental, I'd say the Shure Beta 57A. It's solid and great sound quality. I use it in my school studio all the time. Plus its a dynamic microphone, so you don't need Phantom Power or some other external power source :) What Shure say about it: "Excellent for acoustic and electric instruments as well as for vocals, the extremely versatile Beta 57A dynamic microphone provides optimal warmth and presence. Typical applications include drums, guitar amplifiers, brass, woodwinds and vocals."
  7. Yeah, thats good. Although there's no real tempo change, but thats personal preference. It still feels as though it's waiting for something to happen, as though there's a slight drag. See what other people think.
  8. Fair enough. Do the Chinese have a name for it? Or just I leave Chinese scales alone for now...? :S
  9. That's a good start. I think maybe two more chords after the last one, that could lead into a tempo and possibly a key change. That makes the piece faster and brighter - showing the entry of the new year. Then you could possibly use the two clarinets in harmony as the melody.
  10. I'm not sure, what file extensions you're able to upload to the forums. I think .mp3 would give the best result.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure the black notes represent a Chinese scale. Have you got a link to the piece?
  12. No, where you have the option to upload files, upload the MP3 to your post. :) EDIT: Sorry, not a great explanation. When the .wav file is uploaded, you have the option to download the .mp3, or what ever format you chose. You can download it to your computer, then upload it again to this thread :)
  13. I'm listening to the other piece's on your CD, I especially like By The Seaside, and Sunrise! They're awesome. You've got great talent in this genre! :) Keep it up!
  14. Oh ok, they're at cdbaby.com yeah? I'll go have a listen. If you're interested: Media Converter Great website to convert between almost anything, easily between .wav and .mp3 I feel I should mention it was Robin who found that converter site ;)
  15. Could you tell us more about the piece? What you wrote it for, what idea's you had in mind? From the MIDI, its a nice piece. A nice opening, nicely balanced strings with the piano. The bass drum is good - gives a nice depth to the piece. I like the way the piece builds up, to a nice climax, then slowly returns to only the piano and strings. At the 119th bar, I think the strings need to continue for a little while longer, to fill that gap in the piano. From that point on, I think it would sound better without the strings, and just the piano on its own. Maybe bring the strings back for the held chord at the end, to finish the piece. At 123, I think I know what you're trying to do with the cymbal, but the way it sounds on the MIDI, and the .sib file, it doesn't sound right. Maybe a sustained note with a trill would work better, I'm not sure. See what other people think, I'm still new at this (Y) Overal though, it's a great piece. A great ballad. Well done, and I look forward to hearing more of your work!
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