Could you tell us more about the piece? What you wrote it for, what idea's you had in mind?
From the MIDI, its a nice piece. A nice opening, nicely balanced strings with the piano.
The bass drum is good - gives a nice depth to the piece.
I like the way the piece builds up, to a nice climax, then slowly returns to only the piano and strings.
At the 119th bar, I think the strings need to continue for a little while longer, to fill that gap in the piano. From that point on, I think it would sound better without the strings, and just the piano on its own. Maybe bring the strings back for the held chord at the end, to finish the piece.
At 123, I think I know what you're trying to do with the cymbal, but the way it sounds on the MIDI, and the .sib file, it doesn't sound right. Maybe a sustained note with a trill would work better, I'm not sure.
See what other people think, I'm still new at this (Y)
Overal though, it's a great piece. A great ballad. Well done, and I look forward to hearing more of your work!