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Young Maestro

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About Young Maestro

  • Birthday 04/28/1989

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    United States of America
  • Interests
    reading, listning to classical music, composing, playing the piano, giving things serious thought

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  1. The romantic style probably is the most difficult to compose in. I think that it is my favorite style though.
  2. I've heard of a piano solo written by a Donald Martino called Pianississimo that some experts consider to be the most difficult piece of piano music ever written. I have never heard it myself, though.
  3. Where? I can't find a link to it.
  4. Beethoven is probably my favorite composer.
  5. This is a difficult question, because there are so many different types of musical composition. It is impossible to compare, say, a great violin concerto to a great piano solo and say which is "better". Instead, works of a similar type, such a symphonies, should be compared.
  6. I'm sorry, I see that I was not able to successfully upload the MP3 file.
  7. Here is also an MP3 of the piece. In the MIDI, I have an "ahh choir" in place of the "ohh choir" used in the MP3, because the MIDI "ohh choir" did not sound right.
  8. I have been working on a piece called Aria Appassionata, which features a solo singer accompanied by a orchestra. Here is part of my composition, with the solo singer represented by an oboe. I would like to hear what you think of it, and/or what I should do improve upon it and expand on it. Aria_Appassionata.mid
  9. What is your favorite piece of music? I cannot say for sure what mine is, but it might be Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings.
  10. What do you consider to be the greatest (not your personal favorate) piece of music ever written?
  11. When a piece begins, that would be the introduction. Then the piece would change in some small way, perhaps by growing slightly faster or by changing tone, which would be the inciting moment. After that, it would continue to change in different ways or better develop its previous changes, which would be the rising action. When the climax occurs, the piece will have fully developed its changes. Then, in the falling action, the piece will begin to undergo more changes in accord with how it had developed, perhaps undoing its previous changes. By the conclusion, the piece will have reached its final development. Perhaps it will be completely different from when it started, perhaps only slightly altered, or maybe even exactly the same. This is similar to how things develop in a story.
  12. When I compose, I tend to be rhapsodic. In other words, I tend to compose without a specific layout in mind, writing new parts as they come to me. I doubt that this is the best method, though, because it is not very organized. An idea for a composition structure recently came to me which resembles the stucture used by authors for writing stories or novels. It would, therefore, consist of an introduction, inciting moment, rising action, climax, falling action, final moment of suspence, and a conculsion. This seems like an effective form to follow, but I would like to hear advice from others on it.
  13. I know that people who are ambidexterous (able to use their right and left hands equally well) would have an advantage in terms of the ability of thier individual hands when playing the piano, but I was wondering if they would be able to make their hands work more independantly of each other than non-ambidexterous people? I am right handed, and when I play the piano, it can be difficult for me to make my right and left hands do two different things at the same time.
  14. This is my first complete composition, a piano solo perhaps later to be used as a movement in a piano sonata. I have worked on it off and on for several weeks, and have confidence in its quality. I would like to hear as much feedback on it as possible.
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