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About KylePoehling

  • Birthday 06/02/1975

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  • Biography
    Musician for 20 + years
  • Location
    Greensboro, NC
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Music, Music, Music, and oh yea...Music

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  1. I've used it at work before.....great for 2 track (stereo) editing. Some amazing tools, but I wouldn't want to use it for multi-tracking or as my main DAW. 2 cents Kyle
  2. Maybe "Retro Video Game-tronica" ??? Cool sounds though...do you listen to Dan Deacon?
  3. Nice work! Especially the drum programming...what sample library did you use? The nuances are great...especially in the snare drum. My only gripe is the harmony on the syncopated part of the head....just seems a bit forced. Great textures tho! :thumbsup:
  4. When you're writing for the purpose of playback (as in you're not writing to distribute parts for performance)....do you use the audio mixer in your notation program or notated dynamics (or a mix of both?)? I find that the ability to use the mixer in conjunction with dynamics allows for more timbre variety at different dynamics....for instance...I can have the timbre of a ff trumpet played back at a quiet volume.
  5. Wait about a month for NOTION3 to come out....you'll be MUCH happier...both features wise-and $$ wise:)
  6. No definitely not replacing...Notion has focused more on streamlining the writing process for folks who use a few programs or methods to compose. I can get into more specifics VERY soon, and I'll let you all know as soon as I can:D I'm really impressed with what we've come up with...and frankly I've been a ProTools user for nearly 10 years and I'm kind of annoyed that they're trying to include "everything and the kitchen sink." Don't get me wrong I do love PT8, but I wish that some of the advances they've made to the program were more focused on recording (ADC!!!).
  7. Well...all I can say is that we're cooking up a new version of Notion that will release very soon and will bridge the gap between a DAW and notation software better than anything out there;)
  8. What exactly do you mean by "relying on GPO and Finale working together" Are you referring to the difficulty in mapping the playback via Kontakt?
  9. Seems like an obvious question, but considering the ever-increasing power of the personal computer and the "homogenization" of music composition and technology that the compositional process has evolved. Given the tools at hand where does your notation software fit in the mix? Do you use it for printing, audio production, pre-production for recordings, compositional sketching....etc...... At this point I use mine (Notion...:)) as means to sketch ideas, Print parts out for musicians I'm playing with, utilize sample libraries and compose using notation (not a sequencer!!!). It's become an integral part of my music production and extended beyond just a tool to compose.... Just wondering what you all think.... 2 cents, Kyle
  10. Hello all, So this is somewhat off topic, but I've been working on the launch of the NOTION Music Blogs for a few months now and they're finally LIVE! Any of you NOTION users (or folks that are interested in learning more about the people "behind the scenes" at NOTION) please stop by over at our site.... We've got the initial round of posts up ranging from overall music philosophy to sound editing...there is MUCH more to come. :toothygrin: See you in the blogosphere! NOTION Music | Blogs -Kyle
  11. We've got a feature in Notion that is called NTempo which does exactly what you're describing..... -Kyle
  12. Beat me to the punch here....for $100 you can't beat Progression. If you have any questions about the program feel free to ask me (either pm or here). -Kyle
  13. What exactly does this mean????? I went to school with someone named "Poehler":) Can you clarify?? -Kyle ......sorry should have done a search first......seems there was someone with the last name Poehler that was banned. I can honestly say that this is the FIRST time my last name has EVER been subject to confusion :)
  14. Well I guess I misunderstood you. I'm not against analyzing music it is essential to the understanding the artform, but you did make a very valid point in the fact that at one point this music WAS commercially successful, as in....most folks could relate and were open to listening to it. The fact that these forms of music have become so intellectual is sad to me because when you boil it all down it's JUST SOUND. Maybe highly organized sound, but that's all it is. Who is to say that someone without a formal education should have any less an experience with the art than someone who has a formal education. Here's an anecdote I like to use about popular culture's "fear of music (or fear of non-mainstream music). Try to give the average joe or jane a violin and ask them to use it. Usually they'll freak out and not even want to touch the instrument exclaiming "I CAN'T use that!!!!" Are you kidding me? It is precisely the over-analyzing and "put it on a pedestal" mentality that has developed the average jane or joe's severe "fear of music." 14 more cents, kyle
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